Monday, March 21, 2016

Where am I going? What will I give back? Daily Plans: Tuesday, 22 March

Happy Tuesday Future College Graduates!
-Week 6: Transcript Reflection Journal due Friday, April 1
Big Idea: Powerful choices require knowledge
YAY course evaluations! Thanks for your feedback!
Essential Question: Where am I going? What will I give back?
Objectives: I can...
...write creatively.
...respond to writing prompts.
...find key facts about my college.
...reflect on why transcripts are important.
1) Warm Up: AVID Quarter 3 Evaluation and Reflection (8 min)
  1. Stack all missing work slips on the white boxes on your table. Selena will collect these and give them to Mrs. Testa.
  2. Fill in the form below.

2) SMART Study Hall (30 min)
Set two SMART goals for the next 30 minutes. Use one of the options below:
  1. Send an email to an admissions representative at your assigned college (See yesterday's blog post).
  2. Make sure your ACA Journal is finished!
    1. Open your Google document from yesterday and finish your response.
    2. Copy and paste your response into Blackboard and submit it.
    3. Remember, TPEQEA is your BEST writing tool! This journal would probably work well with a TP(two examples, no quote)EA paragraph.
  3. Finish any late work or homework. You will need to bring finished work to Ms. Cunkelman and show her it is done before you can earn access to Family Day.
  4. Was the Math Accuplacer a success? YAY! Prepare for the English Accuplacer using the tab above OR by working on the WritePlacer.
4) Family Day Time (2:00-2:45)
  1. No Missing Work? Head to the gym!
  2. Missing Work? Get it done before break! Go to Ms. Cunkelman's room.

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