Thursday, March 3, 2016

Where am I going? What will I give back? Daily Plans: Friday, 4 March

Happy Friday Future College Students!
Homework Due TONIGHT:
-ACA Journal on Student Life @ CCCC
Big Idea: Powerful choices require knowledge
Essential Question: Where am I going? What will I give back?
Objectives: I can...
...creatively write about how my favorite book character would act on my favorite college campus.
...choose what to work on.
...set and meet goals.
...enjoy time to refresh with my classmates. 
1) Warm Up: DEAR Reflection (10 min)
Your favorite book character has been transported to your first choice college. Choose one of the following to complete:
  1. Create your character's ideal schedule. Try to include real class names by searching "Course Catalog for _____ (name of college)".
  2. Write a journal entry or play scene describing your character's day. Try to add one thing someone would say to welcome your character by looking at your school's admissions page. Search "Admissions at _______ (name of college)".
  3. Draw a comic showing the character's day. Include at least two real buildings on campus in the background. Search "Campus Map for _____ (name of college)".
2) Class Vote: Sanford Redesign or College Choices Work Time? (Until 1:45)
  1. Resource for College Choices
  2. Group Work for Sanford Redesign 
3) Family Day Choices! (1:45)
  1. Do you have missing work or required revisions? (Or geology assessments you want to fix?)
    1. If you are in Mrs. Testa's room, stay there.
    2. If you are in Ms. Nickel's room, stay there.
    3. If you are in Mr. Stern's room, go to Mrs. Testa's.
    4. If you are in Ms. Cunkelman's room, go to Ms. Nickel's.
  2. Are you on top of all of your work? Head to the gym!

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