Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Where am I going? What will I give back? Daily Plans: Thursday, 3 March

Happy Thursday Future College Students!
Homework Due TOMORROW:
-College Scavenger Hunt
-ACA Journal on Student Life @ CCCC
Big Idea: Powerful choices require knowledge
Essential Question: Where am I going? What will I give back?
Objectives: I can...
...describe student life at CCCC.
...identify criteria that I am looking for in a college.
...characterize the schools I am interested in attending.
...summarize my work.
1) Warm Up: Student Life @ CCCC (10 min)
    Veterans discussing the
    Vietnam War with LEC Alumni
    1. Log in to Blackboard, go to your ACA homepage.
    2. Select "Lessons and Assignments" on the left side bar.
    3. Choose "Week 3: Student Life @ CCCC".
    4. Select "Week 3: Student Life @ CCCC Journal".
    5. Click on the words "Week 3: Student Life Journal" (NOT on the drop down arrow!)
    6. Review the assignment.
    7. Begin your draft in a Google Document and if you finish, copy and paste it and then submit it.
    8. **Go to "Create Journal" at the top to add your journal entry!**
    9. Remember, TPEQEA is your greatest tool for college ready writing!
    10. Drama and the arts at CCCC
      1. Topic: Overview your paragraph.
      2. Point: The student life opportunities at CCCC are ______ (surprising, exciting, saddening) because _______.
      3. Examples (Aim for 3): What will you join?
      4. Elaboration: What is your overall reaction?
      5. Analysis: What activities would you add and why?
    2) Literacy Block: College Scavenger Hunt Day 2 (25 min)
    1. Finish Part 1: College Scavenger Hunt by going to Princeton Review's College Search.
    2. Set at least 5 criteria you have for choosing a college by using the left side bar. Write at least 5 of these criteria in the left most column of your sheet. Tell me why you chose these 5 criteria.
    3. Once you see your results, identify two schools you are interested in. Ideally, choose one school that you think is very realistic for you to get in to. 
    4. Begin to fill in the rest of your table with details about the two colleges you chose. You can use the information from Princeton Review as well as Big Future's information AND, most importantly, your college's website.
    5. **What you don't finish of this part is homework due tomorrow!**
    3) Lesson Plan: College Pennant Project (30 min) 
    Today you will identify your first choice school (as of now, if this changes tomorrow or in 5 minutes because of this project, that is FINE!). Show some school pride by researching your school and making a detailed pennant.

    1. Identify your first choice school.
    2. Find paper that are your school colors.
    3. Cut your paper into a pennant shape.
    4. Begin researching and adding details.
    5. Check off what you have done as you go to ensure you get the highest grade you can!
    4) Success Workshop: Summary Throwdown (10 min)
    1. Game Play: 
      1. Choose the class you are struggling with the most.
      2. Take out your notebook and binder. Open any Google Docs you have for this class.
      3. For 10 minutes, write as many three sentence summaries as you can for as many notes and tasks as you can. In a Google Doc? Add your summary as a comment.  Remember, EVERYTHING can be summarized! Even a benchmark!
    2. Scoring: Illustrated summaries are worth .5 extra points. Each summary is one point.
    3. Winning: The person with the most legitimate summaries wins chocolate.
    5) Exit Ticket: Plan your to do list for tonight.

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