Monday, February 29, 2016

How can asking questions clarify confusions? Daily Plans: Wednesday, 2 March

Happy Wednesday AVID Team!
Homework: ACA Task due Friday!
Big Idea: Powerful choices require knowledge
Essential Question: How can asking questions clarify confusions?
Objectives: I can...
...evaluate how effectively I am using Tutorials.
...write a college level journal response.
...ask questions to clarify confusions.
1) Warm Up: TRF Note Revision (5 min)
  1. Take out your TRFs so I can check progress.
  2. Complete the first two pages of your Tutorial Analysis Grade Reflection:
    1. Pull up your grades in PowerSchool and Blackboard and record them.
    2. Identify: Which classes do you need to improve in most (ideally by next week/the end of the quarter)?
    3. Determine: How can each of the people listed help you improve?
    4. On the second page, record basic data about your TRFs so far.
    5. Set goals for improvement.
    6. On your sticky note, write your name and two classes you need to work on. Note where your Initial Questions should come from. *Star* the class you chose if it is a class you need to get ahead in but are doing well in!
2) ACA Work Time (Until 1:50)
  1. Log in to Blackboard, go to your ACA homepage.
  2. Select "Lessons and Assignments" on the left side bar.
  3. Choose "Week 3: Student Life @ CCCC".
  4. Select "Week 3: Student Life @ CCCC Journal".
  5. Click on the words "Week 3: Student Life Journal" (NOT on the drop down arrow!)
  6. Review the assignment.
  7. Begin your draft in a Google Document and if you finish, copy and paste it and then submit it.
  8. Remember, TPEQEA is your greatest tool for college ready writing!
    1. Topic: Overview your paragraph.
    2. Point: The student life opportunities at CCCC are ______ (surprising, exciting, saddening) because _______.
    3. Examples (Aim for 3): What will you join?
    4. Elaboration: What is your overall reaction?
    5. Analysis: What activities would you add and why?
3) Tutorial Time (1:50, Reflection at 2:33)
  1. Before we begin:
    1. Gather your notes that relate to your POC.
    2. Go to the correct room.
      1. Ms. Nickel: Science
      2. Mrs. Testa: Math 3
      3. Ms. Cunkelman: Math 2
      4. Mr. Stern: Spanish, Statistics, Humanities
    3. Break into groups of 4-5.
    4. Share your initial question and concept rating.
    5. Choose your first presenter (someone with a rating of 1-2).
    6. The presenter will give a 30 second speech ending with the POC.
  2. During Tutorials:
    1. While the presenter presents...
      1. Note questions asked and work done to resolve the POC.
      2. Take notes for the presenter.
    2. After the presenter understands the material, the presenter will summarize his/her understanding and record it in the summary column. If the group members agree that the summary is accurate, move on. (Don't agree? Ask more clarifying/inquiring questions until the presenter gets it!)
    3. Repeat as time permits until 2:33.
  3. After Tutorials: 
    1. Answer the top two questions (no and then yes/no).
    2. Highlight three questions you will answer.
    3. Write your response in 5 complete sentences NOT starting with yes/no.
    4. Return your completed TRF, 3 column notes, and reflection to YOUR AVID teacher at 2:43.

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