Saturday, February 27, 2016

Where am I going? What will I give back? Daily Plans: Monday, 29 February

Happy Monday Sanford Redesign Team and Future College Students!
-TRF Due Wednesday
-ACA Journal due Friday!
Big Idea: Powerful choices require knowledge
Essential Question: Where am I going? What will I give back?
Objectives: I can...
...predict what it might be like to live with a roommate.
...describe present development plans in Sanford.
...identify criteria that I am looking for in a college.
...list questions I have about being a college representative.
1) Warm Up: Dear Future Roommate (5 min)
Living with a roommate is a key part of college life for many people. And, at times it can get trying. Write one of the following to begin thinking about how you will adapt to living with a roommate:
  1. Write a letter to your future roommate introducing yourself and asking questions that you need answered.
  2. Create a "Living with Me" guide so your roommate knows how to put up with you.
  3. Make a "To Do" list for you and your roommate regarding chores, getting meals together, etc.
  4. Draw a comic showing how you and your future roommate will resolve any conflicts that may arise.
2) Literacy Block: What's next in Sanford? (30 min)
  1. Before you read:
    1. Move so you are sitting with your group.
    2. In pairs or trios choose a proposal or plan to review.
  2. While you read:
    1. Summarize the goal of the proposal you looked at. 
    2. Identify expenses and source of revenue related to this proposal.
  3. After you read: 
    1. Set a goal with your group and work for 15 minutes.
    2. Refer to your group's row of the document here.
3) Lesson Plan: Choosing a College (30 min)
Today we will begin exploring colleges by determining our criteria for choosing a college and then identifying colleges that match our needs. We will continue this on Thursday.
  1. Skim through your College Choices assignment. What are the goals of this assignment? When does the entire assignment need to be finished?
  2. Begin Part 1: College Scavenger Hunt by going to Princeton Review's College Search.
    1. Set at least 5 criteria you have for choosing a college by using the left side bar. Write at least 5 of these criteria in the left most column of your sheet. Tell me why you chose these 5 criteria.
    2. Once you see your results, identify two schools you are interested in. Ideally, choose one school that you think is very realistic for you to get in to. 
    3. Begin to fill in the rest of your table. You can use the information from Princeton Review as well as Big Future's information AND, most importantly, your college's website.
4) Success Workshop: How will you represent your college? (10 min)
Your challenge: Today you will be hired as a college representative (randomly). On March 14th, you will begin planning your presentation. You will be given a tri-fold poster board, art materials, and internet access. You must learn all that you can about the college you are representing. You may try to get in touch with people at that university. On April 12th we will host a college fair and you will represent your college so middle schoolers and elementary schoolers can learn about your college. 
College Admissions Counselors
At a Glance from CFNC: 
Recruit and counsel students
  • You'll talk with thousands of students every month
  • Overtime is common during the busy times
  • Good people skills and a university degree are required
  1. Break into 5 groups of three and one group of 2. If we cannot accomplish this in one minute, I will assign groups.
  2. Choose a slip of paper with your college's name.
  3. Create a list of questions you will need to answer about your college.
  4. If you realize you and your partners have questions about being a college representative, add the questions to the document here for Ms. Kuhns to answer. Remember! These questions should be about representing a college, NOT about YOUR college. Ms. Kuhns is an expert on ASU, not all colleges ever :).
5) Exit Ticket: Set a SMART goal for this week and post it on your AVID TOC.

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