Sunday, March 13, 2016

Where am I going? What will I give back? Daily Plans: Monday, 14 March

Happy Monday Future College Graduates!
-TRF due Wednesday
(If you are in Math 3, use a question from your Accuplacer packets, either math or English)
-Week 5: College Course Equivalencies Assignment (Start early!)
Big Idea: Powerful choices require knowledge
Essential Question: Where am I going? What will I give back?
Objectives: I can...
...write creatively.
...list questions college representatives need to be able to answer.
...plan your presentation.
...make an ACA to do list.
1) Warm Up: Creative Writing (7 min)
Choose one of the prompts to write about for 5 minutes.

  1. Option 1, Planet for Sale: How would you sell the Earth? What would make your advertisement convincing? How much would the Earth cost?
  2. Option 2, Google Search Story: Tell the story of your weekend in a series of Google Searches.
    1. Here's my example: ready player one sequel, ready player one movie, how to do a muscle up, Brixx pizza crust ingredients, yoga poses for tight shoulders, quesadilla recipes, writing prompts for high schoolers
  3. Share your response with classmates in Stand Up-Hand Up-Pair Up.
2) Literacy Block: How to Choose a College that's Right for You (OR Accuplacer Prep) (20 min)
  1. Not in Math 3? 
    1. Before you read: List questions you think you'll need to answer to be an effective college representative for your school.
    2. While you read: Think about your first choice school; based on the questions in the article, is your first choice college still the best possible choice for you?
    3. After you read: Add on to your list of questions based on the article you read. 
  2. In Math 3? 
    1. Take out your sample questions packet and study guide packets from Mrs. Testa.
    2. Answer a few more questions from different sections.
    3. Then, fill in the form here so we know how to help you prepare!
  1. Share out questions we need be able to answer about our colleges based on the article and our experiences looking at colleges so far.
  2. Today you will plan your project. Then, you will meet with me on Thursday for feedback and approval. Here's your checklist for today:
    1. Fill in the "Goals" row.
    2. Set specific tasks in the "Timeline and Roles" row.
    3. Determine how I will grade you in the "How to Grade Us" row.
    4. Start listing questions you need to answer in the "Frequently Asked Questions" row.
    5. Circle back to the "Goals" row and see if there is anything you need to add to the trifold board template. Add it!
  3. Done early? Start answering your FAQs.
4) Closing Task: Plan, Organize, and Revise (15 min)
  1. ACA Task To Do List:
    1. Log in to BlackBoard.
    2. Go to "Lessons and Assignments" on the left side bar.
    3. Select "Week 5: College Course Equivalencies".
    4. Create a "To Do" list using the information for your task for this week. This can be in a planner, Google Calendar, or on a sticky note.
    5. Make a Google Doc called "ACA Wk 5: College Course Equivalencies".
    6. Begin working on your task by finding the two course equivalency databases for two schools you are interested in.
  2. Organize and Revise:
    1. Make sure your TOCs are filled in.
    2. Highlight key terms.
    3. Add HOT questions.
    4. Write summaries.

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