Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Where am I going? What will I give back? Daily Plans: Thursday, 10 March

Happy Thursday Future College Graduates!
-ACA WebAdvisor Task and Advising Appointment Discussion Board due Tomorrow!
Big Idea: Powerful choices require knowledge
Essential Question: Where am I going? What will I give back?
Objectives: I can...
...describe trends in the cost of college.
...characterize UNCG.
...convince a college to admit me.
1) Warm Up: The Cost of College (7 min)
  1. Set up a note page for today OR add on to Monday's. Put today's date.
  2. Look at the graph below.
  3. Name the variables shown.
  4. Identify what the colors signify.
  5. Describe any trends you see.
  6. Infer the impact of these trends in a claim: "The (trend seen) will (what is the impact?) because...".
  7. Discuss: What can you do now to make college affordable?
2) Literacy Block: Visiting UNCG (20 min)
  1. Before you explore: What do you know about UNCG?
  2. While you explore:
  3. photo of Charles McIver in front of Jackson Library
    1. Name one event you are interested in at UNCG using the link here.
    2. Choose a major that you would pursue if you went to UNCG by going to the "Find a major or department" link on the Admissions page.
    3. The History of UNCG
      1. When was UNCG established?
      2. Who was UNCG established for?
      3. When were the first African American students admitted?
      4. When were the first men admitted?
      5. List three newer additions to UNCG.
  4. After you explore: On the Admissions page, scroll through the photos. What are you excited about visiting tomorrow?
Do something bigger altogether: Growing math biology at UNCG
3) Lesson Plan: College Pennant + Admit Me! Paragraph (Until the end of class)
  1. Keep working on your college pennant.
  2. Check off your work as you go.
  3. Write your Admit Me! paragraph.
4) Closing Discussion: UNCG Prep
  1. Make sure you know where to go tomorrow morning. *You'll go to the AVID teacher you are paired with!*
  2. Review what to bring!

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