Tuesday, February 9, 2016

What will my future be like? Daily Plans: Thursday, 11 February

StoryCorps Story Telling Booth/Art 
Happy Thursday AVID Team!
Homework: My Future Story AND ACA Orientation Quizzes must be finished BEFORE Family Day!
Big Idea: Powerful choices require knowledge
Essential Question: What will my future be like?
Objectives: I can...
...reorganize my materials.
...reflect on my future.
...plan how to reach my future goals.
...complete my ACA Orientation Quiz.
1) Warm Up: Ten for YOU (10 min)
  1. Take five minutes to reorganize your binders or revise your notes.
  2. In your notes, make sure you have:
    1. Highlighted key terms.
    2. Added HOT questions.
    3. Written summaries.
2) Literacy Block: The Basics of StoryCorps (15 min)
  1. Before you read: Describe a story you remember being told. What makes this story memorable?
  2. While you explore the mission of StoryCorps:
    1. Read the "Mission and History" section.
    2. Scroll over/click "About" at the top.
    3. Find a claim: According to StoryCorps, what is the value in telling our (and others') stories?
  3. After you read, discuss at your table: If you worked with StoryCorps, whose stories would you tell? Why?
3) Lesson Plan: My Future Story, the Scenes (40 min)
Today we will begin looking at our future plans in a more descriptive way.
  1. Open your copy of the document here.
  2. Skim through the tasks.
  3. Complete the two scenes sections.
4) Success Workshop: ACA Work Time (15 min)
  1. Complete your ACA Orientation Quiz. (Due tomorrow)
  2. Begin writing your ACA discussion board on campus resources. (Due next Friday)

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