Thursday, February 11, 2016

What will my future be like? Daily Plans: Friday, 12 February

Happy Friday AVID Team!
Homework: ACA discussion board on college resources is due next week.
Big Idea: Powerful choices require knowledge
Essential Question: What will my future be like?
Objectives: I can...
...reflect on what I have been reading.
...share your future story.
...have fun and catch up!
1) Warm Up: DEAR Reflection with a Partner (5 min)
  1. Sit with a partner who has read the same book.
  2. Tell the future story of your person on the padlet below.

    2) Lesson Plan: My Future Story, the Scenes (15 min)
    Share your future story with a partner and get feedback.
    1. Open your copy of the document here.
    2. Complete the peer feedback section with a partner.
    3. Share your document with me.
    3) Family Day!
      1. Head to the gym for free time!
      2. Missing work? Go to Mrs. Cunkelman's room.

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