Wednesday, February 24, 2016

What will I give back? What is my role in the future of Sanford? Daily Plans: Thursday, 25 February

Happy Thursday Sanford Redesign Team!

-ACA Aviso and WebAdvisor Task due Friday!
-ACA Journal due Next Friday!
Big Idea: Powerful choices require knowledge
Essential Question: What will I give back? What is my role in the future of Sanford?
Objectives: I can...
...categorize sources of expense and revenue.
...create a model of our component of Sanford redesigned.
...set and meet goals. 
1) Warm Up: Budget Awareness (5 min)
  1. Create a T-chart labeled "Revenue" and "Expenditures" at the top.
  2. Use the images above to the right and below to determine how the Sanford government makes (earns revenue) and spends money (makes expenditures).

2) Literacy Block: Innovative Manufacturing in Sanford (20 min)
  1. Before you read: 
  2. Practicing welding at the Lee County Innovation Center
    1. Define: What is manufacturing?
    2. Do you remember how much of Sanford and NC's economy is based on manufacturing? Check your notes from last Friday.
    3. Identify: What are manufacturing companies in Sanford?
  3. Choose one of the following to read: Magneti Marelli Powertrain to Expand its Sanford, NC Manufacturing Plant or The Impact of Public-Private Partnerships in NC
  4. While you read, note the following:
    1. The title of the article you chose
    2. 3 interesting facts
    3. 2 groups of people involved or who will be impacted by the article
    4. 1 claim: How will the event described in the article positively impact Lee County?
  5. After you read, take a virtual tour!
    1. Look at the links here and here to see what Magneti Marelli is like.
    2. Look at the links here and here to see what the Innovation Center is like.
    3. Decide: If you got to choose one to visit, which one would you go to and why?
Model city block
3) Lesson Plan: Sanford Redesign Planning - Creating our Plan
  1. Break into groups. See me if you need to change your role. You must be able to tell me why.
  2. Fill in your group's row of the document here.
  3. Create a draft of your component of our block.
  4. Write a list of expenditures and opportunities for revenue. 
  5. Make a to do list for the next tasks you will need to do.
  6. Present your work and get feedback.
  7. Make revisions to ensure that everything fits together.
Sketch of a mural
4) Success Workshop: Time for you! 
  1. Set a SMART goal and work
  2. Revise your notes:
    1. Note where there are chunks of material. 
    2. Add a higher order thinking question to each chunk.
    3. Highlight key terms.
    4. Write summaries.
  3. Work on ACA Tasks!
    1. Finish your AVISO and WebAdvisor tasks.
    2. Draft your journal in a Google Doc. This assignment will not open until 2:45 today!
5) Exit Ticket: What is your favorite part of our redesigned block? Why? What do you like about your role? What makes your role difficult?

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