Monday, February 22, 2016

What will I give back? What is my role in the future of Sanford? Daily Plans: Monday, 22 February

Happy Monday Sanford Redesign Team!
-TRF due Wednesday!
-ACA Aviso and WebAdvisor Task due Friday!
Big Idea: Powerful choices require knowledge
Essential Question: What will I give back? What is my role in the future of Sanford?
Objectives: I can...
...identify what appeals to people of my generation.
...set goals and create roles for our Sanford Redesign project.
...organize and revise my work.
1) Warm Up: Creative Writing (5 min)
Choose one of the following to respond to:
  1. Sketch a map of your neighborhood using the prompt to the upper right.
  2. If you could have grown up in another culture, which would you choose and why? Use the prompt below.

2) Literacy Block: How can we show we are "Committed today for a better tomorrow"? (25 min)
  1. Before you read:
    1. Quickwrite: When you think of your generation, what do you think of? What generalizations have you heard about your generation? Do you agree or disagree with those generalizations? Why?
    2. Sanford's motto is "Committed today for a better tomorrow". To analyze this motto work with your table to do the following:
      1. Why do you think Sanford chose this motto?
      2. What does a "better tomorrow" look like?
      3. Who is responsible for creating a better tomorrow?
  2. While you read "Millennials are embracing corporate social responsibility campaigns", take notes on the following:
    1. What do millennials look for when choosing what companies to invest in/purchase from that other generations may not pay as much attention to?
    2. Why is this choice in investment surprising?
    3. Pretend a new business is opening in Sanford and to survive it needs a younger audience, your generation. What are four things this company may benefit from doing
  3. After you read, work with a partner to propose a company that should be in Sanford:
    1. Name the company you would choose or create. (ex: Barnes and Noble)
    2. Identify the type of industry. (ex: clothing, food, entertainment)
    3. State the mission or vision of the company.
    4. Make a claim: How does this business support the concept of "Committed today for a better tomorrow"? 
3) Lesson Plan: Sanford Redesign Planning - Establishing Goals and Roles
  1. Establish norms by discussing what a great contributor to our project will do and what a non-helpful contributor will do.
  2. By yourself, list and describe what should our redesigned block of Sanford include.
  3. With your table, decide on the following:
    1. 5 goods or services our block needs to provide
    2. 4 roles or jobs we would need to create a model of this block
    3. 3 buildings we would need
    4. 2 ways we would make this building attractive
    5. 1 estimate of how much this would cost
  4. We will take turns sharing necessary components and highlight overlapping attributes. We will use this to create a master list of what our block will be like and roles we will need.
  5. Finally, you will post professionally on Today's Meet. You will post what task you want to work on and what role you want to have and WHY you will be great at this role. 
4) Success Workshop: Organize and Revise

  1. Make sure your binders are organized.
  2. Revise your notes:
    1. Note where there are chunks of material. 
    2. Add a higher order thinking question to each chunk.
    3. Highlight key terms.
    4. Write summaries.

5) Exit Ticket: Set a SMART goal for this week on your post it note and stick it to your TOC.

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