Thursday, February 18, 2016

What will I give back? What is my role in the future of Sanford? Daily Plans: Friday, 19 February

Happy Friday Sanford Redesign Team!
Homework: ACA Assignment due next week!
Big Idea: Powerful choices require knowledge
Essential Question: What will I give back? What is my role in the future of Sanford?
Objectives: I can...
...characterize my ideal home town.
...take notes during a presentation.
...ask questions.
...describe how I would promote growth in Sanford.
1) Warm Up: I wonder what Sanford would be like if... (5 min)
  1. List or sketch what you enjoy doing in Sanford.
  2. Use the padlet below to create a "I wonder what Sanford would be like if..." list.
    1. Insert something that, in your opinion, would make Sanford better.
    2. Then, tell what you think Sanford would be like if we had that thing.
    3. Repeat.
  3. Example: I wonder what Sanford would be like if we had a science museum. I think that students could be camp counselors and little kids would learn a lot. I wonder what Sanford would be like if we had a Target. Ms. Nickel would be broke, but we'd all have cool pens.

    2) Guest Speaker: Ms. Joy Thrash, CEO of the Sanford Area Growth Alliance (1:30-1:50)
    1. Before Ms. Thrash talks: Purpose and Product
      • Often we hear that students do not want to return to Sanford after college. While we understand that (very few of us still live in our home towns), we want you all to recognize that you have the power to shape Sanford. We also want you to practice what it is like to be in careers you are interested in. With this in mind, we will be redesigning a block in Sanford that is designed to encourage young, educated adults to come to Sanford.
      • Learn more about the SAGA here.
    2. As Ms. Thrash talks, please note the following:
      1. 3 interesting things you hear
      2. 2 questions to ask
      3. 1 idea for making Sanford the place to be!
      3) Lesson Plan: Current Events in Sanford (Until 2:40)
      With your table, you will create a "What? So What? Now What?" poster for current issues in Sanford. We will use this to help us plan our redesigned block in Sanford.
      1. What?
      2. COTY
        1. Identify what is going on in Sanford by finding headlines that impact you, Sanford, or North Carolina. These can be from the newspaper,,, WRAL, or other resources. (Here's an article on water in Sanford)
        2. Add at least 5 headlines to your poster around the word "What?"
          1. At least 2 headlines must be cut out of news papers or other hard copy resources
          2. You may cut out or write the final 3 headlines. 
      3. So what?
        1. Illustrate and label how each headline will impact people around the words "So what?".
      4. Now what?
        1. Star headlines that you would like to change something about.
        2. Around the words "Now what?", list what would you do to change what you read about.
      4) Exit Ticket: Fill in the form below.

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