Thursday, February 18, 2016

What will I give back? What is my role in the future of Sanford? Daily Plans: Thursday, 18 February

Happy Thursday Sanford Redesign Team!
I coded this! #madeitwithcode
Happy Day After Valentines!
Homework: Finish your ACA Discussion Board!
Big Idea: Powerful choices require knowledge
Essential Question: What will I give back? What is my role in the future of Sanford?
Objectives: I can...
...characterize trends in urbanization.
...describe ways innovators in city design have changed cities.
...identify how people working in different careers may change a city.
1) Warm Up: Urbanization Trends (10 min)
  1. Set up a note page for today.
  2. Go to the link here.
  3. Identify what this map shows.
  4. Select "Analysis" on the bottom of the map.
  5. Use the drop down box to quickly look through the largest cities for the different years given. 
  6. UNWCP_shanghai
    How is the world changing?
    1. What do you notice about where the largest cities were in 1950? 
    2. Where they will be in the future? 
    3. What might cause this shift?
    4. **Looking at the Highest Absolute Growth data may help you notice the trends more easily!**
  7. Scroll over any city and pause your cursor. What information can you see?
  8. Critique: 
    1. Why would the United Nations gather this data and make future predictions? 
    2. Is a graphical display of this information helpful? Why or why not?
    2) Literacy Block: City Design TED Talks (35 min)
    For the next couple of classes we will be looking at how we would redesign Sanford to encourage young graduates to return to Sanford. Later in the semester we will model our redesigned blocks of Sanford.
    Favelas redesigned

    1. Before you watch and write, name your favorite city that you have ever been to OR a city you want to visit.
      1. Sketch a map showing some of your favorite components of this city.
      2. Describe: What makes this city intriguing?
    2. While you watch, write responses in your double entry journal.
      1. Haas and Hahn: How painting can transform cities
      2. Gates: How to revive a neighborhood: with imagination beauty and art
    Projects to art scene
      3) Lesson Plan: What do different people contribute?
      1. Go to You don't need to log in.
      2. Select "Plan" > "For a career" > "Explore careers".
      3. Work with your table to list the following:
      4. What would you do?
        Connect Bertie, Studio H in Bertie Cty, NC
        1. What is one part of a city someone in each career cluster might redesign?
        2. What is one question someone in each career cluster might ask?
        3. **Click on the career cluster if you need details about what a person in that cluster does!**
      5. Your turn! If we were to redesign Sanford, which clusters' type of work would interest you the most? Why?
      4) Success Workshop: Note Revisions

      1. Highlight key terms.
      2. Draw brackets to chunk common information in your notes.
      3. Write a HOT question for each chunk.
      4. Summarize your notes by answering the HOT question and Essential Question.

      5) Exit Ticket: Preparing for Tomorrow
      Tommorrow, Joy Thrash, CEO of the Sanford Area Growth Alliance, will be coming to talk to us about how Sanford is growing and the role you can play. On your sticky note, do the following:

      1. Write your name.
      2. Write one thing you want to ask Ms. Thrash.


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