Thursday, January 14, 2016

What do we lose and gain when we revise our work? Daily Plans: Friday, 15 January

Happy Friday AVID Team!
Homework: Stay organized and revise notes for all classes :)
Big Idea: Students have power over their own learning
Essential Question: What do we lose and gain when we revise our work?
Objectives: I can...
...identify instances of failure in what I've read.
...complete and critique a mock tutorial.
...get to know my classmates.
1) Warm Up: Biggest Fails Book Club (5 min)
  1. In groups of four, you will work to create a list of biggest fails from your favorite books.
  2. Come up with five categories.
  3. List characters who failed in each.
  4. For two characters, describe how they can recover from this failure. 
    2) Mock Tutorial (15 min)
    1. During Tutorials: Do a fishbowl Tutorial with your assigned roles.
      1. Teacher: Use the observation tool to rate our AVIDness. Share your scoring.
      2. Tutorial Group: Share your initial question and concept rating. Choose one person to go first. Ask questions.
      3. Presenter: Give your 30 second speech.
      4. Tutor: Take notes for the presenter and keep people on track.
      5. Observers: Buzz if anyone asks a question that tells the answer.
      6. Observers and Tutorial Group: Take notes!
    2. After the Tutorial
      1. Complete the reflection.
      2. Review reflections with a partner and improve them.
      3.  Share ideas for improvement.
      3) Name Game
      1. Each team will stand on a different side of the sheet.
      2. Silently, choose one person to go up to the sheet.
      3. When I drop the sheet the first person to say the other person's name gets to take that person to their side.
      4. The side with the most people wins.
      4) Family Day
      1. MANDATORY Innovation Challenge Meeting: Ms. Nickel's room (if you have missing work, you will come to this and then go to Ms. Cunkelman's room)
      2. Missing Work Room: Ms. Cunkelman's classroom
      3. Everyone else, head to the gym!

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