Tuesday, January 19, 2016

How can structured questioning help me succeed? Daily Plans: Wednesday, 20 January

Happy Wednesday AVID Team!
This is one of your options for your Career Cluster poster.
Homework: Stay organized and revise notes for all classes :)
Big Idea: Students have power over their own learning
Essential Question: How can structured questioning help me succeed?
Objectives: I can...
...read a grading checklist.
...begin creating a Career Cluster poster.
...complete a TRF.
...ask questions to help classmates clarify confusions.
1) Warm Up: Revise your Notes! (5 min)
Revise your notes by...
  1. Highlighting key terms.
  2. Writing HOT questions.
  3. Adding summaries.
    2) Lesson Plan: Career Clusters Poster (15 min)
    Before we jump into exploring colleges it is important that we have a solid idea of 

    1. Read the grading checklist here.
    2. Begin your work!
    3) Tutorial Time!
    1. Prepare by filling in your TRF. (15 min)
    2. Go to the correct classroom:
      1. Mrs. Testa: Math 2 and Math 3
      2. Mr. Stern: Statistics
      3. Ms. Cunkelman: English, World History, Civics and Economics
      4. Ms. Nickel: Science
    3. During Tutorials:
      1. Share your initial question and concept rating.
      2. Choose who will go first (someone with a concept rating of 3-4).
      3. The presenter will give a 30 second speech ending with his/her point of confusion.
      4. Ask questions to help the presenter clarify his/her point of confusion.
      5. The presenter will end with a summary of the steps to solve/answer his/her point of confusion.
      6. Repeat.
    4. After Tutorials:
      1. Work on homework and repeat the Tutorial process as needed.
      2. Complete your reflection at 2:38.
      3. Return your TRF to your AVID teacher at 2:43.

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