Wednesday, January 20, 2016

How well do I know my Career Cluster of choice? Daily Plans: Thursday, 21 January

Happy Thursday AVID Team!
Homework: Stay organized and revise notes for all classes :)
Big Idea: Structures support progress toward our goals
Essential Question: How well do I know my Career Cluster of choice?
Objectives: I can...
...describe the career I want.
...create a visual showing my career aspirations.
1) Warm Up: Creative Career Planning (5 min)
Choose one of the following to respond to:
  1. Create your own three part Venn diagram like the one to the upper right right by adding at least THREE things to each circle and ONE thing to each place where the circles overlap.
  2. Respond to one of the options below: 
    1. Tell what the world be like if ______ had chosen to do anything else.
    2. What is your gift? How (and why) will you give it away?
  3. Share your work with a classmate using Stand Up-Hand Up-Pair Up.
    2) Literacy Block: What Color is Your Parachute (20 min)
    What Color is your Parachute was a popular book that helped many people make career choices throughout the past few decades. Today, we'll look at an article based on the book to see if our current career choices fit with who we are. 

    1. Open the document above.
    2. As you read, record the following:
      1. 5 verbs for things you want to do almost daily in your career (teach, research, build, design)
      2. 4 values that you have that relate to your career (flexibility, make beautiful things)
      3. 3 goals you want to accomplish in your career (make money, help people, have a doctorate)
      4. 2 answers to questions asked in the article
      5. 1 career cluster you are interested in
    3) Lesson Plan: Career Cluster Poster (40 min)
    1. Continue working on your Career Cluster Poster.
    2. Refer to the directions here.
    4) Success Workshop: Time for YOU! (15 min)
    1. Describe your ACA assignment. Create a checklist in your planner, Google Calendar, or sticky note so you remember what to do. *The assignment will open up this afternoon and is due NEXT Friday!*
    2. Add on current due dates to your Google Calendar.
    3. Get to work!

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