Thursday, January 21, 2016

How well do I know my Career Cluster of choice? Daily Plans: Friday, 22 January

Happy Friday AVID Team!

  1. Career Cluster Brainstorming Poster due Tuesday before ACA.
  2. ACA Email and Orientation Test due FRIDAY!

Big Idea: Structures support progress toward our goals
Essential Question: How well do I know my Career Cluster of choice?
Objectives: I can...
...match interests and characteristics to Career Clusters.
...practice what someone in the Health Sciences Career Cluster would do in a Case Study Tutorial.
...take part in team building activities!
1) Warm Up: Book Club: Career Match Making (5 min)
  1. Sit with your color group.
  2. List the Career Clusters represented by your group, one on each sticky note.
  3. For 5 minutes list as many characters as you can who fit into each of the named Career Clusters.
  4. Post your sticky notes on the wall.
    2) Tutorial Option Practice: Exploring Careers through Case Studies (20 min)
    Do you understand EVERYTHING? Do you have As in all classes? Do you want explore careers? Try a case study tutorial! We'll try one out today to see what they're like!
    1. Read the case study.
    2. Identify what the case study is asking you to figure out. This is your initial question.
    3. Define two key related terms.
    4. List what you know from reading the case study.
    5. Show your thinking about how to solve the problem.
    6. Describe the process of your thinking about how to solve the problem.
    7. Identify where you get stuck and turn this into a question for your point of confusion.
    Career Cluster: Health Sciences
    Career: Psychologist
    Case Study 2
    Kristen is a 38 year-old divorced mother of two teenagers. She has had a successful, well-paying career for the past several years in upper-level management. Even though she has worked for the same, thriving company for over 6 years, she’s found herself worrying constantly about losing her job and being unable to provide for her children. This worry has been troubling her for the past 8 months. Despite her best efforts, she hasn’t been able to shake the negative thoughts.
    Ever since the worry started, Kristen has found herself feeling restless, tired, and tense. She often paces in her office when she’s there alone. She’s had several embarrassing moments in meetings where she has lost track of what she was trying to say. When she goes to bed at night, it’s as if her brain won’t shut off. She finds herself mentally rehearsing all the worse-case scenarios regarding losing her job, including ending up homeless. [Click here for Diagnosis] (Case Study 2!!!)
    Terms to define: Depression, General Anxiety, Mood disorders, tense

    3) Family Day Overview (Head to locations at 1:45)

    1. Want to take part in the Innovation Challenge? 
      1. Come to Ms. Nickel's room.
      2. Review the application information.
      3. Complete the initial application with your group.
    2. Missing work? Head to Ms. Cunkelman's room.
    3. Everyone else: Head to the gym for team building games and free time. 

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