Tuesday, January 26, 2016

What are the characteristics of powerful people? Daily Plans: Thursday, 28 January

Happy Thursday AVID Team!
Homework: These tasks must be completed to have free time at the end of class on Friday:
  1. Career Cluster Poster (turn in at the beginning of class)
  2. ACA assignments
    1. Email to Mr. Testa
    2. Sign up for CougarAlerts
    3. Orientation Test 
Big Idea: Powerful choices require knowledge
Essential Question: What are the characteristics of powerful people?
Objectives: I can...
...characterize powerful people.
...compare and contrast definitions of power.
...organize information and assignments.
1) Warm Up: Use your Creative Powers (5 min)
Choose one of the following to respond to:
  1. Read the journal prompt in the upper right. Tell the story. What power did you get? Why is it so horrible?
  2. Respond to the quote below. Do you agree or disagree? Give examples to support your claim.
    2) Literacy Block: How is power measured? (45 min)
    1. Before you read: Gallery walk (10 min)
      1. Round 1:
        1. *Star* the image that depicts the most power.
        2. Mark an x by the image that depicts the least power.
        3. Put a frowny face by images that show loss of power.
      2. Round 2: Add comments. Notice if people agree or disagree with what you marked.
      3. Debrief: What trends did we notice in who has and does not have power?
    2. While you read: (25 min)
      1. Visit Forbes "The World's Most Powerful People" and Time's "The 100 Most Influential People" lists.
      2. Skim 1-2 profiles from each site.
      3. List your inferences: Based on the profiles you read, infer how you can get on the Forbes' list and Time's list. Record these on your three column note sheet. (Aim for at least 6 requirements!)
      4. Check your inferences and add on using the information from these links:
        1. Letter from the editor on Time's 100
        2. Behind Forbe's Most Powerful People list
    3. After you read: (10 min)
      1. Think about how YOU define power.
      2. Pretend you published a "World's Most Powerful People" list. What requirements would people have to meet to get on your list?
      3. Fill in your last column.
      4. Highlight similarities between the three columns.
    3) Lesson Plan: How is power measured? Graphic Organizer (25 min)
    Tomorrow you will work on a paragraph responding to the prompt, "What trait creates the most powerful people?". Today you will begin gathering and organizing information so you can make a claim.
    1. Choose one person from Forbes' list, one person from Time's list, and one person who you know and complete the organizer by adding:
      1. How each person got his/her powers
      2. What each person has power over/the power to do
      3. Benefits of this person's power
      4. Costs of this person's power
    2. Highlight similarities between the people on your graphic organizer.
    3. Then, use the lists on the front of your sheet to rank each of your three people according to each of the three lists. (Each person should end up with three numbers!)
    4. Identify: Are there things you would add to your list of requirements to qualify as one of the world's most powerful people? Add on to your list.
    5. Create your border for your graphic organizer.
      1. The top and bottom should be a list of adjectives describing different views on power.
      2. The sides should be doodles showing how people can be powerful.
    6. Show me when you are done!
    4) Success Workshop: Time for YOU! (10 min)
    1. Work on your ACA Assignments and/or Career Cluster Poster. (due Friday!)
    2. Add on current due dates to your Google Calendar.

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