Thursday, January 28, 2016

What are the characteristics of powerful people? Daily Plans: Friday, 29 January

Happy Friday AVID Team!
Homework: Work on your ACA assignments due next Friday!
Big Idea: Powerful choices require knowledge
Essential Question: What are the characteristics of powerful people?
Objectives: I can...
...identify parts of graphs.
...characterize powerful people.
1) Warm Up: Careers Changes and Bubble Graphs (cheat sheet if you need it) (7 min)
  1. Write the title of the graph.
  2. List the variables shown the graph.
  3. Choose a focus career. Name the career you are focusing on. Then, identify and list the following:
    1. Did the career experience growth or loss in people employed?
    2. What are the average hourly earnings?
    3. How many people are in this career?
  4. Evaluate: Would this be a safe or risky career to go into now or not? Explain your answer.

2) The Name Game (5 min)
  1. Break into two teams.
  2. You will work as quietly as possible to send a member from your team up to the sheet.
  3. As soon as the sheet drops, say the other person's name. 
  4. The first person to say the other person's name gets to bring the other person to the other side.
  5. The team with the most people at the end of 4 minutes wins eternal pride.
3) Literacy Block: Writer's Workshop (40 min)
  1. Before you write: (5 min)
    1. Look at your graphic organizer. 
    2. Share two traits that you think make people powerful.
    3. Identify the trait that you think makes people that most powerful.
  2. Write a TPEQEA paragraph: (25 min)
    1. Topic: Write this last!
    2. Point: The trait that gives people the most power is ___ because ___.
    3. Example: This can be from your life or from Time or Forbes.
    4. Quote: Find a quote that supports your claim from one of the articles below. Include an in-text citation (author's last name, "title").
      1. Forbes "The World's Most Powerful People"
      2. Time's "The 100 Most Influential People" 
      3. Letter from the editor on Time's 100
      4. Behind Forbe's Most Powerful People list
    5. Elaboration: How do your quote and example support your point?
    6. Analysis: Are you powerful based on your claim? How can you become more powerful?
  3. After you write: (10 min)
    1. Highlight a sentence you want feedback on.
    2. Write a question related to this sentence (think DWCs!).
    3. Swap papers with a neighbor.
    4. Make the revisions suggested.
    5. Turn this paragraph in to the drawer marked "4".
4) Family Time OR Catch Up Time (25 min)
  1. Still need to finish your Career Clusters Poster? ACA Work? Do that now!
  2. Done? 
    1. Play board games
    2. Color
    3. Build with legos
    4. Relax

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