Sunday, January 31, 2016

Can classifying ourselves give us power? Daily Plans: Monday, 1 February

Happy Monday AVID Team!
Homework: TRFs due Wednesday!
Big Idea: Powerful choices require knowledge
Essential Question: Can classifying ourselves give us power?
Objectives: I can...
...describe and try methods for classifying people.
...react to my profile results from Color Code and MBTI.
...organize my work.
1) Warm Up: Creative Writing (7 min)
Choose one of the following options to respond to:
  1. What colors describe you?
    1. Use the color wheel image in the upper right (go to the link here if you can't see). 
    2. List three colors that describe you. Justify your choices.
    3. Explain and describe the unique mixture of colors that describe you. 
  2. OR How have people been classified or grouped in writing?
    1. Choose a novel that you have read in which people were grouped by some criteria.
      1. Examples: Harry Potter with the sorting hat, Divergent with factions, The Giver based on your job assigned at age 12, Stargirl based on popularity, Speak with cliques, Number the Stars based on religion)
    2. Name the novel you chose. 
    3. Identify: How and why are people sorted in this book?
    4. Critique: Do people gain or lose power based on being sorted in this book? Provide examples from the book that supports your claim.
  3. Share your response using Stand Up-Hand Up-Pair Up.
2) Literacy Block: About Color Code (25 min)
  1. Before you read, write in your notebook: (3 min)
    1. What motivates you?
    2. Which of the following plays the biggest role in your life: wanting to get things done, wanting to connect with people, wanting to stay calm and balanced, or wanting to enjoy life? 
    3. How has this impacted your life?
  2. While you read, record the following in your notebook: (10 min)
    1. What is the goal of Color Code?
    2. What are the four colors and their motives?
    3. Why does Color Code ask you to think about how you were as a child?
  3. After you read, take the Color Code Free Test (click the red arrow). A few tips: (20 min)
    1. Scroll over words to see definitions.
    2. Answer each question.
    3. Fill in all information and be sure to use an functional email address that you can log in to. You will need to check your email to verify your account and to see your results.
3) Lesson Plan: Can classifying ourselves give us power? Tasks 1-2
**Were you absent for the MBTI test? Use the link here for a short one!**
  1. Make your own copy of the document here.
  2. Rename it "Name - Power in classification".
  3. Complete Task 1 by using your MBTI and Color Code results.
  4. Break into color groups and complete Task 2.
4) Success Workshop: Organize it all! (10 min)
  1. Put upcoming due dates in your Google Calendar.
  2. Organize your binder:
    1. Are all papers in binder rings?
    2. Is your name on the front of your binder?
    3. Do you have a highlighter, pen, and pencil?
    4. Are papers in the correct section?
    5. Are papers in order?
  3. Put all Google Documents into the correct folder. Do you have random docs? Make a folder called "Random Doc".
5) Exit Ticket: Set a SMART Goal (2:42)
  1. Write a SMART goal on your sticky note. This can be school related or related to hobbies, etc.
  2. Post your SMART goal on your AVID TOC.


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