- Time management packet due on Friday. (ACA)
- Organize your binders and revise your notes!
Big Idea: Powerful choices require knowledge
Essential Question: How can asking questions give us the power to help others?
Objectives: I can...
1) Warm Up: Time for YOU! (5 min)
Revise your notes! We will have a notebook and binder check next week!
Revise your notes! We will have a notebook and binder check next week!
- Highlight key terms.
- Look over old material, predict what questions teachers or tests might ask you to answer, write these HOT questions in the margins!
- Write summaries answering your HOT questions and/or your teacher's Essential Question.
- Remember! EVERYTHING can be revisited!
- Have a paper for English? Add HOT questions as a comment.
- Have a worksheet from math? Stick a sticky note at the bottom of a page with a summary!
2) Literacy Block: Critical Review of a TRF (20 min)
- Review the feedback I gave you on last week's TRF.
- *Star* things that you did better on this week's TRF.
- Make necessary changes.
- Read the sample TRF.
- *Star* in a new color things that you did well in comparison with the model TRF.
- Make necessary changes.
- Tell your neighbor one of the changes you made and why it was important to make.
- Review reflection expectations:
- We have not done a TAG (Tutorial Analysis Grade) Reflection this semester. Check "no" for that question.
- Answer three of the questions listed above the box.
- Write 5 complete sentences that do not start with yes or no.
- If you did not present, write about someone else's point of confusion. You DO NOT get to skip presenting!
3) Lesson Plan: Tutorial Time (Switch at 1:55)
- Bring all of your materials to the correct room:
- Ms. Nickel: Science
- Mrs. Testa: Math 3
- Ms. Cunkelman: Math 2
- Mr. Stern: Spanish, Statistics, Humanities
- Break into groups of 4-5.
- Share your initial question and concept rating.
- Choose your first presenter (someone with a rating of 1-2).
- The presenter will give a 30 second speech ending with the POC.
- While the presenter presents...
- Note questions asked and work done to resolve the POC.
- Take notes for the presenter.
- After the presenter understands the material, the presenter will summarize his/her understanding and record it in the summary column. If the group members agree that the summary is accurate, move on. (Don't agree? Ask more clarifying/inquiring questions until the presenter gets it!)
- Repeat as time permits until 2:33.
4) Exit Ticket: Complete your reflection (2:33-2:43)
- Answer the top two questions (no and then yes/no).
- Highlight three questions you will answer.
- Write your response in 5 complete sentences NOT starting with yes/no.
- Return your completed TRF, 3 column notes, and reflection to YOUR AVID teacher at 2:43.
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