Wednesday, January 13, 2016

What do we lose and gain when we revise our work? Daily Plans: Thursday, 14 January

Happy Thursday AVID Team!
Homework: Stay organized and revise notes for all classes :)
Big Idea: Students have power over their own learning
Essential Question: What do we lose and gain when we revise our work?
Objectives: I can...
...describe the role of failure in the workplace. 
...discuss a topic from different points-of-view.
...come to consensus about revision procedures at LEC.
...use text based evidence to make decisions.
1) Warm Up: Questioning and Tutorials (5 min)
Choose one of the following to respond to:
  1. Create a comic strip showing the best or worst Tutorial.
  2. Write: What is the most important question you've ever been asked? Why?
  3. Respond to the quote (see right) from Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. 
2) Literacy Block: Why Failure is Good for Success (20 min)

  1. Before you read: Complete the first column of the anticipation guide.
  2. While you read: Fill in the while/After you read column of the anticipation guide.
  3. After you read: Finish the chart and then write your summary.
3) Lesson Plan: Pass the Plates: The Revise Policy at LEC (Rest of Class)
  1. Prepare (15 min):
    1. Review the articles and reading tasks from this week (Refer to the TOC and links):
      1. Avoid penalizing multiple attempts at mastery
      2. Learning to fail (video - check your double entry journal for quotes!)
      3. Why it's imperative to teach students how to question (not the easiest to relate...)
      4. Why failure is good for success
    2. Write two HOT questions on your Pass the Plates star diagram sheet from Monday.
    3. Using information from all of the articles we've read, write a summary describing pros and cons of the revise policy.
    4. Write your Point, Quote, Analysis for your Pass the Plates preparation. Use a quote from any of the readings or videos.
    5. Complete a practice round: School lunches at LEC (POV: county budget manager, student, teacher, silent observer)
  2. Expectations: 
    1. Act like the role you are in. Unlike Socratic seminars, in Pass the Plates we pretend we are talking from someone else's point-of-view. This will be far more interesting if you really act like your role.
    2. Silent observers stay silent! You'll be surprised by how much you learn from listening :).
  3. Procedures:
    1. For three minutes, discuss the scenario from your assigned point-of-view.
      1. Start each round with the current student asking for an extension on the project or paper AND to make revisions on both.
      2. Employers and professors, respond based on your assigned point-of-view.
    2. Take two minutes to debrief and prepare:
      1. Fill in your chart on the back of your star diagram. 
      2. Pass your half sheet to the right and review your new role!
    3. We will end with a four minute round during which everyone can talk. Your task at this point is to make sure you've come to consensus (refer to the questions under your chart). 
    4. Fill in your reflection.
    5. Turn in your star diagram sheet and your half sheet.

4) Success Workshop: SMART Study Hall + Exit Ticket (Time permitting)
  1. Set a SMART goal and work toward meeting it!
  2. Evaluate your success.
  3. *Turn this in!*

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