Tuesday, January 12, 2016

How can structured questioning help me succeed? Daily Plans: Wednesday, 13 January

Happy Wednesday AVID Team!
Homework: Stay organized and revise notes for all classes :)
Big Idea: Students have power over their own learning
Essential Question: How can structured questioning help me succeed?
Objectives: I can...
...revise your notes.
...list reasons why questioning is important.
...connect readings to the Tutorial process.
...practice using Tutorial tools and strategies.
1) Warm Up: Time for YOU! (7 min)
  1. Revise your notes by: 
    1. Highlighting key terms.
    2. Adding HOT questions.
    3. Writing summaries.
  2. Organize your binders by making sure your TOCs are up-to-date and in order.
  3. Work on assignments for another class.
2) Literacy Block: Why is questioning imperative? (30 min)
  1. Before you read: Fill in the form below (or here):
  2. While you read: Notice places where you agree with the author, want to argue with the author, or have question to ask the author.
  3. After you read:
    1. Complete the double entry journal and suggestions sheet.
    2. Skeptic/Lobbyist: 
      1. Pretend you are not interested in Tutorials OR that you think they are the BEST THING EVER! 
      2. Lobbyists will convince the Tutorial skeptic that Tutorials are great in 45 seconds. 
      3. Then, switch roles.
3) Lesson Plan: Tutorial Practice (40 min)
  1. Before Tutorials:
    1. Work in pairs.
    2. Write a hard question on your sticky note. This should be similar to a real, teacher assigned question that you have tackled at some point.
    3. Swap your initial question with another group.
    4. Given your initial question fill in the front of the TRF.
    5. Review what should go in certain places as a class.
    6. Revise your work by putting corrected sticky notes over your initial work.
  2. During Tutorials: Do a fishbowl Tutorial with your assigned roles.
    1. Teacher: Use the observation tool to rate our AVIDness. Share your scoring.
    2. Tutorial Group: Share your initial question and concept rating. Choose one person to go first. Ask questions.
    3. Presenter: Give your 30 second speech.
    4. Tutor: Take notes for the presenter and keep people on track.
    5. Observers: Buzz if anyone asks a question that tells the answer.
    6. Observers and Tutorial Group: Take notes!
  3. After the Tutorial
    1. Complete the reflection.
    2. Review reflections with a partner and improve them.
    3.  Share ideas for improvement.
4) Exit Ticket: Choose one of the following to respond to:
  1. Create a comic strip showing the best or worst Tutorial.
  2. Write: What is the most important question you have ever been asked? Why?
  3. Respond to this quote from Dr. Martin Luther King Jr: Do you agree? Disagree? Why?

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