Tuesday, January 12, 2016

What do we lose and gain when we revise our work? Daily Plans: Tuesday, 12 January

Happy Tueday AVID Team!
Homework: Stay organized and revise notes for all classes :)
Big Idea: Students have power over their own learning
Essential Question: What do we lose and gain when we revise our work?
Objectives: I can...
...identify when the revise policy is justified.
...write from different points-of-view.
...use Google Calendar.
1) Warm Up: Graph and Chart Practice (7 min)
  1. Go to the link here.
  2. Answer as many questions as you can for 5 minutes.
  3. Quickwrite:
    1. What text features should you use when reading graphs and charts?
    2. What makes a graph or chart easy to read? Hard to read?
2) Literacy Block: Failing Loudly and Proudly (30 min)
    1. Before you watch: Write on the back of your paper how you respond in each of the situations listed.
    2. While you watch: 
      1. In the left hand column: Record quotes from the video that you find interesting or inspiring OR that you disagree with. 
      2. In the right hand column: Write your thoughts, reactions, and questions sparked by each quote.
  1. After you watch: 

    1. Three-minute quickwrite: 
      1. Describe a time you failed and learned something positive from it. What structures led to the positive outcome? 
      2. Describe a time you failed and reacted negatively, in a way that made things worse. What would you do differently? What structures are available to help you?
    2. Share it!
      1. Swap papers with a neighbor. 
      2. Give your classmate ideas for avoiding similar failures in the future.
      3. Tell your classmate if you've failed in a similar way and something you learned from your failure.
      4. Revise your responses on the back of your paper.
3) Lesson Plan: What happens when you earn a zero? (20 min)
  1. Complete the task on your worksheet.
  2. Turn this in. 
4) Success Workshop: SMART Study Hall + Exit Ticket
  1. Fill in the Suggest a TRF form again (see below). Note that you still have 3 column notes with Option 2.
  2. Set a SMART goal and work toward meeting it!
  3. Evaluate your success.
  4. *Turn this in!*

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