Sunday, January 10, 2016

What do we lose and gain when we revise our work? Daily Plans: Monday, 11 January

Happy Monday AVID Team!
Homework: Finish your Pass the Plates preparation.
Big Idea: Students have power over their own learning
Essential Question: What do we lose and gain when we revise our work?
Objectives: I can...
...identify when the revise policy is justified.
...write from different points-of-view.
...use Google Calendar.
1) Warm Up: Creative Writing (5 min)
Respond to the prompt below by listing strategies that have gotten you to today and strategies you may use in the future.
strategy guide for life as a video game
[here’s what Oliver Emberton wrote]

2) Literacy Block: Revision Policies (30 min)
  1. Before you Read: Revision Policy Philosophical Chairs (25 min)
    1. Choose where you stand for each of the following situations:
      1. You got a 65 on a recent quiz because you missed school and then forgot to make up time with your teacher. Should you be allowed to revise or not?
      2. You had 3 days to peer evaluate and revise a paper in class. You watched youtube videos instead. You made a 70. Should you be allowed to revise or not?
      3. All teachers are considering the Request to Revise forms. Should they be required or not?
      4. Some students and teachers think the revise policy allows students to form bad habits. Should we have a revise policy or not?
    2. Discuss in Philosophical Chairs (one topic at a time). Remember only one person per side can talk before the other side talks. Recap what the person before you said before you share your ideas.
  2. While you Read: Avoid Penalizing Multiple Attempts at Mastery (20 min)
    1. Copy the article here.
    2. Highlight key points.
    3. Add comments in your Google document.
    4. Fill in the star diagram. 
  3. After you Read: Prepare for Pass the Plates (10 min)
    1. Write your objective summary of the article.
    2. Plan what you will say in your assigned role using the questions on your half sheet.
    3. *We will do the PQA on Thursday!*
3) Success Workshop: Set up your Binder and Google Drive!
  1. Add due dates to your Google Calendar.
  2. You will have a TRF due every Wednesday. Create this as an assignment on Tuesday afternoons and set it to repeat
  3. Make sure your binder is organized. 
5) Exit Ticket: SMART Goal for the Week
  1. On your sticky note, write down one you're SMART goal for the week.
  2. Put this on your TOC. You will evaluate it on Friday.

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