Thursday, January 7, 2016

How can AVID help students be college, career, and life ready? Daily Plans: Friday, 8 January

Happy Friday AVID Team!
Homework: Stay organized :) 
Big Idea: Students have power over their own learning
Essential Question: How can AVID help students be college, career, and life ready?
Objectives: I can...
...write SMART goals.
...suggest a TRF for this semester.
...present skits showing how to survive this semester.
1) Warm Up: Use the form below to suggest a TRF. (5 min)

2) Literacy Block: DEAR Reflection (10 min)
  1. Name a character or person you read about recently.
  2. Identify a New Years resolution this character or person should make.
  3. Write this resolution as a SMART goal. Justify this SMART goal in a point and example sentence:
    1. _________ needs to make this resolution because _______. When _______ did/said _____ it was obvious that he/she/it needed to work on ______.
    2. Example: Melinda needs to make this resolution because she is failing some of her classes. When Melinda listed her grades some were so low that she would not pass her class so it was obvious she needed to work on improving her grades. 
  4. Check your neighbor's SMART goal to see how SMART his/her SMART goal is.
3) Lesson Plan: My Support Network (10 min)
  1. On your sheet, list what you struggle with and what you can help your classmates with. 
  2. Then, fill in the Study Buddy Phone Book. 
  3. Do not repeat the same person on this sheet!
  4. Make sure you fill in the "What they rock at" column. Be proud!
4) Family Day Overview: Goldilocks Skits
How can you find the happy medium between doing too much or too little so you can succeed this semester?
  1. Break into groups of 4-6.
  2. Get a skit scenario.
  3. Take 10 minutes to plan your skit.
  4. Go to the side of the gym based on your color. 
    1. Red: Far right
    2. Black: Near left
  5. Present your skits with your group.

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