Wednesday, January 6, 2016

How can AVID help students be college, career, and life ready? Daily Plans: Thursday, 7 January

Happy Thursday AVID Team!
  • Make sure parents/guardians have watched the video and signed up for remind.
  • Organize your binders!
Big Idea: Students have power over their own learning
Essential Question: How can AVID help students be college, career, and life ready?
Objectives: I can...
...organize my materials.
...identify what college, career, and life ready means.
...share my ideas for making AVID awesome this semester.
1) Warm Up: Set up your Binder and Google Drive! (10 min)
  1. Create a Google Folder for each class.
    1. Name this folder "Name - Subject" (ex: Mallory Nickel - AVID) 
    2. Share all folders from this semester with your Cougarmail account (or Lee County - whichever one you didn't make them in). 
    3. Do you have random docs? Make a "Random Docs" folder and put them there!
  2. Add a binder divider for TRFs in your binder.
2) Literacy Block: Are YOU college, career, and life ready? (20 min)
  1. Before you read, complete a quick write: (2 min)
    1. What do you need to be ready for college?
    2. What do you need to be ready for careers?
  2. While you read the definition here, paraphrase it in your notes. (Only read the box that says "Definition"!) (4 min)
  3. After you read: (12 min)
    1. Watch the video below.
    2. Add on to the poster in the back of the classroom:
      1. Illustrate what college, career, and life ready means to you.
      2. List how AVID has and will continue to help you get there.
3) Lesson Plan: Future Protocol for AVID (15 min)
We will use the Future Protocol so you have a chance to share with your classmates and with me what you would like AVID to be. 
  1. The Beginning Past (aka last semester)
    1. Share 3-4 things from your summary of AVID last semester.
    2. Highlight common aspects.
    3. Choose a new recorder to list these on the "Beginning Past" paper.
  2. The Time Between (aka this semester)
    1. Discuss as a class how we get from the Beginning Past to the Projected Future this semester.
      1. What do students need to do?
      2. What do students need to avoid doing?
      3. What do I need to do?
      4. What do you hope I avoid?
    2. When you get a marker, add your ideas!
  3. Debrief: What was interesting about this process? Frustrating? When could it be used in the real world?

4) Success Workshop: Tutorials 2.0 (30 min)
  1. Collaborative Annotation: Why do we do Tutorials? (10 min)
    1. Write a claim: Tutorials are an important part of AVID because...
      1. Example: Tutorials are an important part of AVID because through Tutorials we learn to ask clarifying questions.
      2. Non-Example: I think tutorials are great (because why?)
    2. Create and fill in a T-chart labelled: 
      1. Tutorials are helpful to me if...
      2. Tutorials are not helpful to me if...
    3. Pass your paper to the right. 
      1. *Star* things you agree with. 
      2. Make suggestions for how to make unhelpful Tutorials more helpful.
    4. Repeat.
  2. Sort it: How do we do Tutorials? (10 min)
    1. Roll a dice. The person with the highest roll at your table goes first.
    2. Put one of the steps of the Tutorial process where it belongs. OR Move one other step to a different place. (Only one move per turn!) (Note: Some cards happen at the same time. Stack these in the row they should go in.)
    3. The classmate to your left goes next.
    4. The first group to finish wins eternal pride (and stickers).
  3. Share ideas: So, what if I really don't have a POC? AND What do I do if I fill in my TRF and realize I am no longer confused? (5 min)
    1. I really don't have a POC:
      1. Tell your teacher by Tuesday at the beginning of class.
      2. Ask for: A tough exam or assignment question OR a case study related to your Career Cluster (you'll see a sample next week).
      3. Do you need to make revisions? Name the assignment and list feedback from your teacher. Use the Tutorial to plan your revisions.
    2. I figured it out doing my TRF:
      1. During the Tutorial you will present second. 
      2. You will share your thirty second speech (the assignment, what you knew originally, and your original POC). 
      3. Then, you will tell your group the answer to your POC AND how you found the answer. What was your aha! moment?
    3. What other ideas do you all have for these two scenarios?
5) Exit Ticket: Ideas for Tutorials (3 min)

  1. Share: What other ideas do you have for Tutorials?
    1. How would you change the TRF?
    2. How would you change grouping?
    3. What would you have students with no POC do?
  2. Write this on your index card (WITH YOUR NAME!) and give it to me on your way out.
Thanks for sharing your ideas!!!!

Homework: Last nights leftovers :)

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