Tuesday, January 5, 2016

How can AVID help students be college, career, and life ready? Daily Plans: Wednesday, 6 January

Happy 2016 AVID Team!
  • Watch the flip class video below with your parents/guardians and have them send me an email or note.
  • Sign up for remind!
Big Idea: Students have power over their own learning
Essential Question: How can AVID help students be college, career, and life ready?
Objectives: I can...
...get to know my classmates.
...practice public speaking in new situations.
...preview AVID this semester.
...organize my materials.
1) Warm Up: Get to Know You Quiz-Quiz-Trade (12 min)
  1. *Pick up a notebook and TOC on your way to your seat!*
  2. Before Quiz-Quiz-Trade: (3 min)
    1. On the unlined side of your index card write a question you are interested in knowing about your classmates. Example Questions: Would you rather be The Flash or Arrow? What college do you want to go to? What is your favorite season and why?
    2. On the lined side, write your name and your answer to your question. Example: Ms. Nickel: The Flash!
  3. During Quiz-Quiz-Trade: (7 min)
    1. Stand Up-Hand Up-Pair Up.
    2. Shake your partners hand while saying, "Hi, I'm _______."
    3. Partner 1 will ask his/her question and record Partner 2's answer.
    4. Partner 1 will give Partner 2 his/her card.
    5. Repeat with Partner 2 asking his/her question.
    6. Repeat steps 1-5 as many times as possible.
2) Literacy Block: AVID 2 Syllabus Reading (30 min)
  1. Before you Read: (5 min)
    1. Get a piece of scrap paper. Write for 2 minutes describing your AVID elective last semester. *Star* things that you got a lot out of. Keep this out for later!
    2. Set up a Cornell note sheet.
  2. While you Read: (15 min)
    1. List 3 things you are looking forward to in AVID this semester.
    2. Note 2 skills you will practice.
    3. Write 1 question or request.
    4. **Add to the Venn diagram on the board showing differences between AVID last semester and this semester.**
  3. After you Read: (10 min)
    1. Stand-Share-Sit to ask your questions or share your requests.
    2. Discuss the Venn diagram and key differences.
      • (ACA, Family Day Entrance Tickets, Career Fair, Sanford Redesign project)
    3. Add your TOC to your AVID Binder and put your Syllabus as TOC #1.
3) Lesson Plan: Future Protocol for AVID
We will use the Future Protocol so you have a chance to share with your classmates and with me what you would like AVID to be. Keep in mind that our goal is to prepare you for college classes starting as early as last/this/next/next next semester. This means we do a lot with note, studying, and organization strategies as well as college and career planning. So, don't propose designing murals for a space station on Mars because that's not really relevant. (And keep in mind, I do have veto powers within reason :).
  1. The Projected Future
    1. By yourself, describe, in your notes, the ideal AVID class period as if you are in it right now!
      1. What are we doing? 
      2. What are you discussing with classmates? 
      3. What are you reading? 
      4. What are you making?  
    2. Share these with your table. 
    3. Highlight common aspects.
    4. Choose a recorder to list these on the "Projected Future" paper. Star or check repetitions.
  2. The Beginning Past (aka last semester)
    1. Share 3-4 things from your summary of AVID last semester.
    2. Highlight common aspects.
    3. Choose a new recorder to list these on the "Beginning Past" paper.
  3. The Time Between (aka this semester)
    1. Discuss as a class how we get from the Beginning Past to the Projected Future this semester.
      1. What do students need to do?
      2. What do students need to avoid doing?
      3. What do I need to do?
      4. What do you hope I avoid?
    2. When you get a marker, add your ideas!
  4. Debrief: What was interesting about this process? Frustrating? When could it be used in the real world?
4) Success Workshop: Set up your Binder and Google Drive!
  1. Create a Google Folder for each class.
  2. Name this folder "Name - Subject" (ex: Mallory Nickel - AVID) 
  3. Make sure all documents you have are in the correct folders.
  4. Share all folders from this semester with your Cougarmail account (or Lee County - whichever one you didn't make them in). 
  5. Do you have random docs? Make a "Random Docs" folder and put them there!
5) Exit Ticket: Hopes and Fears
  1. On your sticky note, write down one thing that you...
    1. hope to do this semester OR are excited about
    2. AND are worried about this semester
  2. Post your sticky note on the door on your way out.

  • Watch the flip class video below with your parents/guardians and have them send me an email or note.
  • Sign up for remind!


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