Thursday, December 10, 2015

How can I structure my studying to help me succeed? 10 Day Review: Friday, 11 December

Happy Friday AVID Family!
  1. Keep studying (and taking brain breaks)! Email questions when they come up!
  2. Enjoy your winter break!
Big Idea: Structures lead to success
Essential Question: How can I structure my studying to help me succeed?
Objectives: I can...
...evaluate the AVID Elective. material.
...celebrate successes.
1) Warm Up: Fill in the AVID Evaluation below... (12 min)

2) Success Workshop: Quiet Study Time (25 min)
  1. Check your study calendar and set a SMART goal.
  2. Start working!
  3. Evaluate your progress.
3) Family Time!
  1. Create an AVID Award for the person on your index card.
  2. Share these.
  3. Head to the gym/outside.
  4. Share shout outs.
  5. Free time!
You made it!
4) Exit Ticket: Learning Log 
  1. Fill in your Learning Log. 
  2. Return this to your binder and TOC (#28: Learning Log).

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