Thursday, November 19, 2015

Where am I going? How can I use my time wisely to get there? Daily Plans: Friday, 20 November

Happy Friday AVID Family!
Homework: Make sure you are done with all work and revisions for ALL classes! 
Big Idea: Structures lead to success
Essential Question: Where am I going? How can I use my time wisely to get there?
Objectives: I can...
...write about an inspiring character or event.
...propose a topic for philosophical chairs.
...choose a way to de-stress.
...enjoy free time! (or time to catch up.)
1) Warm Up: Inspiring Stories (5 min + 2 min to share)
This week, you created a lot of plans (stress management, time management, anti-procrastination) to help you be successful. Sometimes, we also get inspired to be successful by book characters or events, or nonfiction information we read. Write for five minutes, responding to the following:  
  1. What is a book, character, or event you read that inspired you? Why?
  2. What were you inspired to do? Why? 
  3. Do you think books can change what people do or how they think? Do you have evidence to support your opinion? 
2) My Philosophical Chairs Suggestion (10 min)
  1. Get into a group of 2-4.
  2. Identify a current issue or important topic that you would like to discuss via philosophical chairs. Remember:
    1. There needs to be text-based information about your issue.
    2. There must be two sides (or more). 
  3. Fill in the form below to share your idea and resources. We will pick one-two to do on Monday.

3) De-Stress For Success Stations: (30 min)
*Your choice, unless you have missing work!*
  1. Ms. Cunkelman: Work + Reward (and Missing Work) Station (10 min work, silly video, repeat!)
  2. Ms. Nickel: Get Outside and Stretch! Walk, do yoga, watch clouds, color with chalk, and relax outside!
  3. Mrs. Testa: Positive Notes and Relaxing with Art Station 
**After 30 min:
  1. Ms. Cunkelman: Missing Work Room
  2. Ms. Nickel: Interested in the Innovation Challenge discussed last week? Meet with me at the bleachers in the gym! This will take about 10 minutes and then you'll have free time!
  3. Mrs. Testa: Free Time in the Gym 

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