Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Where am I going? How can I use my time wisely to get there? Daily Plans: Thursday, 19 November

Happy Thursday AVID Family!
Homework: Make sure you are done with all work and revisions for ALL classes! *Missing work slips!*
Big Idea: Structures lead to success
Essential Question: Where am I going? How can I use my time wisely to get there?
Objectives: I can...
...suggest activities for a de-stress week for LEC.
...create an anti-procrastination plan.
...revisit work.
How Asheville-Buncombe Community College students

...identify questions I need to ask before exams.
1) Warm Up: How colleges help students de-stress during exams (7 min)
  1. Read the calendars above, to the right, and below.
  2. List 3 activities you would try.
  3. List 2 activities that wouldn't help you very much.
  4. Create a 1 week calendar with activities you would plan for a de-stress week at LEC by adding sticky notes to the board. 

2) My Anti-Procrastination Plan (40 min)
  1. Copy the Anti-Procrastination Plan here.
  2. Rename it "Name - Anti-Procrastination Plan". 
  3. Complete the before you read task in your Anti-Procrastination Plan.
  4. Then, read the article above.
  5. As you read, complete your Anti-Procrastination Plan. *At times you will need to get up and work with classmates. Please do so quietly.*
  6. Create a mini comic on your life with or without procrastination on sticky notes. Put these on your binder. 
3) Success Workshop: Set yourself up for success (20 min)
  1. Add exam week to your calendar (December 14-18). 
  2. Add your deadlines from your Anti-Procrastination Plan to your Google Calendar.
  3. Flip through your notebooks, binders, and assignments. Tab information you need to review before your final.
    1. Yellow: Review.
    2. Pink: Ask for help!
    3. Blue: I can teach this to someone else.
  4. Then, skim through your work in your Google Drive. Using the same color coding, write what you need to revisit on sticky notes and post these on the back of your AVID TOC. 
  5. Using this information, add an event to your Google Calendar.
    1. Date: Before 3 December.
    2. Time: Your choice: Before school, during your lunch, after school
    3. Title: Meet with _______ (the teacher you need to review material with)
    4. Add event details: What specific questions do you need to ask?
  6. With any extra time, you may work on revisions, missing work, or homework. 
5) Exit Ticket: How will your prevent procrastination? Write your response on a sticky note and post it on the door on your way out. 

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