Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Where am I going? How can I use my time wisely to get there? Daily Plans: Wednesday, 18 November

Happy Wednesday AVID Family!
Homework: Revise and organize your notes and binders.
Big Idea: Structures lead to success
Essential Question: Where am I going? How can I use my time wisely to get there?
Objectives: I can...
...predict how I will spend my time in the future.
...create a stress management plan.
...ask questions to help my classmates understand confusing concepts.
1) Warm Up: My Ideal Day (5 min + 2 to share)
  1. Pretend you get to spend a day at your first choice university OR in your ideal career.
  2. Answer as many of the following questions as you can in the beginnings of a graphic novel or journal entry:
    1. Where are you?
    2. Who are you spending time with?
    3. What will you do?
    4. What is difficult?
    5. Who helps you?
    6. What problems are you trying to solve? 
2) My Stress Management Plan
  1. Complete your stress management plan.
  2. Find people to help you fill in the last box.
3) Tutorials! (1:50-2:43)
  1. Preparation: 
    1. Go to your Tutorial Room:
      1. Ms. Cunkelman: English, History, AVID
      2. Ms. Nickel: Science, Math 1
      3. Mrs. Testa: Math 2
    2. Give your TRFs to your teacher or tutor for groupings.
  2. Tutorials:
    1. All students share their initial question and rank their confusion.
    2. The first presenter shares his or her 30 second speech. End with the POC. 
    3. Students help each other clarify the POC by asking questions. 
    4. Have the presenter end by summarizing the steps to solve or answer his or her POC.
    5. Move to the next presenter.
  3. Reflection at 2:35. Return TRF to AVID Teacher at 2:43 and stay in the room until 2:45.
**Tutors, at this time, return to Ms. Nickel's room for your reflection!**

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