Monday, March 23, 2015

What should I consider when choosing a college? (Day 2) Daily Plans: Tuesday, 24 March

Happy Tuesday AVID Team!
Homework: Make sure you have finished:

  1. Your College Scavenger Hunt Sheet.
  2. Three to four bullets on your College Pennant.

Big Idea: Structure
Essential Question: What should I consider when choosing a college?
Objectives: I can...
...evaluate the importance of facts versus skills.
...graph my income.
...navigate college websites.
...choose a current first choice college.
1) Warm Up: Email me your thoughts! (10 min)

  1. Read the quote below.
  2. Email me your response:
    1. Do you agree or disagree and why? Respond in a point sentence and list of examples. Consider:
      1. What are VERY important facts you've learned? 
      2. What evidence do you have that you've learned to think? 
      3. Is there anything LEC needs to do more/less of? Why?
    2. Does this make college more or less valuable and why? Respond in a point sentence and list of examples. 

2) Literacy Block: Graphing the value of college! (12 min)

  1. Draw an x-y coordinate.
  2. Label the x axis with 1-5 years.
  3. Label the y axis with a scale of $10,000 from -$60,000 to $60,000.
  4. Graph two lines:
    1. High School Dropout:
      1. You start working for minimum wage right away so your y-intercept is 0.
      2. You will make $444/week. How much will you make in a year? This is your slope.
      3. Sketch this line.
    2. Bachelor's Degree Employee.
      1. You are lucky and get a job right after college. However, college cost you $50,000. Your y-intercept is -$50,000.
      2. You will make $1,078/week. How much will you make in a year? This is your slope.
      3. Sketch this line.
  5. Identify with a star when you will break even.
  6. In a point and example sentence state if college is worth it.
  7. Be ready to turn this in tomorrow!
2) Lesson Plan: College Scavenger Hunt and Pennant Project 
  1. Read over your assignment.
    1. Monday: Finish the first column for your college scavenger hunt.
    2. Tuesday: Finish the second column for your college scavenger hunt. Start your pennant.
    3. Wednesday before Tutorial and Friday before Family Day: Finish your pennant toearn Family Day time!
  2. Resources:
    1. Big Future College Search
    2. Big Future College Comparison
    3. OR Go to any specific university website, look at the Admissions page and About page.
  3. Review the template of the pennant on the board.
4) Success Workshop: Finished Early? Time for you!
  1. Work on any of the following:
    1. Revising your notes
    2. Organizing your binder
    3. Catching up on work for other classes.
    4. Doing homework.
5) Exit Ticket: What did you get done? (2:56)

  1. Email me what you got done today. 
  2. Send me a picture of what you have of your college pennant so far.

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