Tuesday, March 24, 2015

What should I consider when choosing a college? (Day 3) Daily Plans: Wednesday, 25 March

Happy Wednesday AVID Family!
Homework: Keep working on your college pennant!
Big Idea: Structure
Essential Question: What should I consider when choosing a college?
Objectives: I can...
...help plan our career clusters fair.
...identify my point of confusion.
...use questioning and inquiry to clarify my POC.
...explain my POC to someone else.
1) Warm Up: Fifteen For You! (15 min)
  1. Fill out the form below.
  2. Then, work on your college pennant. 
  3. On Friday you will have about 25 minutes to finish this. If it's not done, you have not earned Family Day.
2) Get Ready for Tutorials! (15 min)
  1. Fill out your TRF.
    1. Taking the English or Math Accuplacer? Your TRF should focus on that!
      1. Review your English packet by skimming the written directions.
      2. Look at a few practice problems.
      3. What section do you need the most help with?
    2. Focus on CURRENT work, not stuff from a few weeks ago.
  2. Gather your materials! Notes, Three Column Notes, TRF, packets for Accuplacer, etc.
  3. Know where to go!
    1. Ms. Cheatham: Accuplacer with Ms. Cheatham and Ms. Sawyer
    2. Mrs. Testa: Math 2, Statistics, Civics and Economics
    3. Ms. Nickel: Biology, Geology, AVID, English
3) Tutorials in Ms. Nickel's Room: (Until 2:59)
  1. No phones!
  2. Decide on a moderator to prompt thirty second speeches and questioning. 
  3. Only ask guiding questions. Avoid giving answers.
  4. Done early? Work on homework together.
  5. After Tutorials:
    1. Fill in the reflection.
    2. Play Explain-Explain-Trade and teach your classmates something new!

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