Monday, March 23, 2015

What should I consider when choosing a college? (Day 1) Daily Plans: Monday, 23 March

Happy Monday AVID Team!
Homework: Finish the first column on your College Scavenger Hunt.
Big Idea: Structure
Essential Question: What should I consider when choosing a college?
Objectives: I can...
...list what I would focus on when choosing a college.
...describe different colleges.
...revise my notes.
1) Warm Up: (10 min) Respond to one of the following prompts in an email or on paper. Send it/turn it in!

2) Literacy Block: How to Choose (the best fit college for you!!!) (25 min)
  1. Before you read: Think, Pair, Share:
    1. What would you consider when choosing a college? 
    2. What and who matters?
  2. While you read: Write about it!
    1. What is one shocking number you see?
    2. What do the experts suggest you focus on when making your college choice?
  3. After you read: What's your fit?
    1. Look back at your list of factors.
    2. Add on any that you think are missing.
    3. Rank the factors, 1 is the most important. If you don't care about a factor, put an x.
3) Lesson Plan: College Scavenger Hunt and Pennant Project (30 min)
  1. Read over your assignment.
    1. Today: Finish the first column for your college scavenger hunt.
    2. Tomorrow: Finish the second column for your college scavenger hunt.
    3. Wednesday before Tutorial and Friday before Family Day: Finish your pennant to earn Family Day time!
  2. Resources:
    1. Big Future College Search
    2. Big Future College Comparison
    3. OR Go to any specific university website, look at the Admissions page and About page.
4) Success Workshop: HOT Questions/Summaries/Binders Party!
  1. Take out your notebook for your most difficult class.
    1. Is it organized? Do that!
    2. Are there questions you can add to quiz yourself? Write those!
    3. Did you write summaries? Do you understand them? Add on!
  2. Show me your work!
5) Exit Ticket: SMART Start!
  1. Write a personal and school SMART goal for this week.
  2. Post it on the door.
  3. Evaluate your goal from last week!

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