Homework: Meet goals from your project timelines and your planner.
Big Idea: Structures have interrelated parts
Essential Questions: What can I do to meet my goals?
Objectives: I can...
...write a useful TRF.
...share choices the reader will make in my choose your own adventure story.
...work on my Personal Choice Project.
...write a useful TRF.
...share choices the reader will make in my choose your own adventure story.
...work on my Personal Choice Project.
- All students will got to A Lunch tomorrow. If you have your CCCC ID, there will be free food provided for Activity Day!
- Students with missing work will report to a missing work room NO LATER THAN 12:15.
- Students will go to 4th period as normal. Be on time!
- I will be checking "Choose your Own College Adventure" and "Personal Choice Project" progress today. If insufficient progress has been made, that will count as missing work.
1) Warm Up: TRF Writing Workshop (15 min)
- Review the TRFs you have in your binder.
- Notice: What do you need to improve upon in TRF writing?
- Write this as a note at the top of your current TRF.
- Choose a topic from the board or another one you are struggling with or are awesome at. At the top of your TRF, write "Teaching" or "Need Help".
- If you are "Teaching", then find the hardest practice question you can about your topic and write a TRF ending with a 2 sentence summary.
- If you chose "Need Help", then find a practice problem you need help with and complete the TRF as usual.
- *All TRFs must be about class content!*

-friction, chemical bonds
-right triangle trig
-Latin America map
Quad functions
Simple machines
Reference table
Vector application
Identifying figurative language
Literal equations
Graphing single variable inequalities
Age problems
2) Literacy Block: Choose your Own College Adventure Writing (20 min)
*Draft due Friday, 21 April! Goal for today: Get to Intersection 2*
- Open your Choose your Own College Adventure.
- Review the timeline AND the grading information.
- Write for 15 minutes.
- Add your most interesting dilemma to the padlet below.
What will you share with us next week? |
- Open your Personal Choice Project Planning document.
- Review your timeline task for today.
- Write a SPECIFIC To Do list.
- Get to work!
- Exit Ticket 1st & 4th: Brag about it! On a sticky note, tell me:
- ...what you are proud of from your work today.
- ...your next step.
- ...what you will share with us when you present.
- ...any questions you have!
- Exit Ticket 3rd: Go Formative Reflection
- Join our class on Go Formative using the link here and class code EJRJ229.
- Complete the reflection questions.
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