Sunday, April 23, 2017

How do I benefit from setting and meeting my own goals? Daily Plans: Monday, 24 April

Image result for children's book illustrationsHappy Monday AVID Students!
-Wednesday: FINISH and be ready to share your Choose your Own College Adventure Story with peers!
-Friday: Share your Personal Choice Project with us
-Be ready for your next ACA task.
Big Idea: Structures have interrelated parts
Essential Questions: How do I benefit from setting and meeting my own goals?
Objectives: I can...

...write creatively.
...give and use feedback to improve my Choose your Own College Adventure Story.
Image result for children's books about animals illustrations...make progress on my Personal Choice project.
...set and meet a personal goal. 
Image result for multicultural children's book illustrations
1) Warm Up: Creative Writing (10 min)
  1. Option 1: Continue writing or drawing something you have already started.
  2. Option 2: Be an Author!
    1. Write a children's book to go with one of the pictures above, to the right, or below.
    2. OR Describe the character in detail.
    3. OR Write a poem inspired by the image.
    4. OR Tell the moral of a story depicted in one of the images.
Image result for children's book illustrations

Image result for multicultural children's book illustrations
Image result for personal projects
2) Lesson Plan: Personal Choice Project (20 min)
  1. Open your Personal Choice Project.
  2. Review your timeline. 
  3. Get to work!
  4. You will 40-50 min to work on this project on Wednesday and Thursday. 
  5. You will present what you have worked on on Friday.
Image result for college life comic3)  Literacy Block: Choose your Own College Adventure Peer Feedback and Revisions (35 min)

  1. Before Peer Feedback:
    1. Open your Choose your Own College Adventure story.
    2. Review the feedback from me.
    3. In a comment, list changes you will make to your story.
  2. Peer Feedback:
    1. Image result for college life comic
    2. Get with a partner.
    3. Swap computers.
    4. Scroll to today in the timeline.
    5. Review the feedback directions.
    6. Read your partner's story.
    7. Give your partner feedback.
    8. Discuss the feedback.
  3. After Feedback: Use the feedback you have received to improve and to finish your story!

4) Exit Ticket: Start SMART (5 min)
    Image result for smart goal
  1. Open your planner.
  2. Add upcoming due dates, tests, events, etc.
  3. Write a SMART goal for the week.

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