Wednesday, January 11, 2017

How can I succeed in school this semester? (Day 2) Daily Plans: How can I succeed in school this semester?

Happy Thursday AVID Students!
-Make sure your binder is well set up!
Image result for learning log**************************
Big Idea: Structures provide organization
Essential Question: How can I succeed in school this semester?
Objectives: I can...
...describe what I have learned this semester.
...contribute to group work.
...identify what makes group work successful or unsuccessful.
...set and meet personal goals.
1) Warm Up: Verbal Learning Log (5 min)

  1. Stand Up-Hand Up-Pair Up and answer the questions below as you talk to at least 3 different classmates. REMEMBER: Introduce yourself by name!
    1. What is the most interesting or challenging thing you have learned since you got back from break?
    2. What class are you most excited about? Why?
    3. What do you predict will be the biggest difference between last semester and this semester?
2) Lesson Plan: Great? Group Work (25 min)
  1. Identify your role (column) and group (number next to your initials) using the table below.
  2. Move into groups and introduce yourself. Remember, stay in character!
  3. Your Task:
    1. Climate Challenge
    2. Your group will act as the president of Europe (yes, all of Europe...) and their advisors. Your goal is to last as long into the game as you can and maintain decent ratings for the environment, your budget, and public opinion.
  4. How to Complete Your Task:
    1. Stay in character!
    2. Go to the link here and select "Open" under the red picture of people and wind turbines.
    3. Discuss how you will approach the simulation: Will you read all of the rules or jump into playing? How will you make final decisions - majority? complete consensus? When you get to the panel of voters/politicians, will you help other countries/continents/regions? How will you choose?
    4. Play the game!
    5. Post your results on the board.

Role Description:
You are always 5 minutes early to meetings and come well-prepared. You think you understand the assignments, but you are usually at least a little confused.
You are always 5 minutes late to meetings and kind of scattered. You ask questions NON-STOP, but they’re relevant. You like to challenge people’s ideas.
You talk non-stop in groups - sometimes your comments are relevant, sometimes they aren’t. You are wonderful at art and making projects look neat and organized.
You are very quiet and have trouble getting involved in group work. However, if it is a topic you care about, you will often work ahead of the group on the assignment.
Period 1
HT (1)
CK (2)
IP (3)
NP (1)
HD (2)
CM (3)
CB (1)
MM (2)
TP (3)

Period 3
AC (1)
AE (2)
LL (3)
AS (4)
JB (1)
TP (2)
MR (3)
GW (4)
SB (1)
SS (2)
JE (3)
JL (4)
ZM (1)
CB (2)
JS (3)
AQ (4)
Period 4
BB (1)
SK (2)
AH (3)
JM (1)
DA (2)
SL (3)
RS (1)
KK (2)
BS (3)

AO (2)
RD (3)

3) Literacy Block: The 6 Group Dynamics of High-Performing Teams (25 min)
  1. Before you read: 
    1. Add to the Padlet below.
    2. Made with Padlet
    3. Discuss: What is Pixar? How could we determine if Pixar has effective group workers? What do you think, are they effective or not?
  2. While you read, jot down answers to the following questions:
    1. Image result for pixar
    2. Why did Jobs care about Pixar's atrium?
    3. Why does the author claim communication is suffering? Do you agree or disagree? Why?
    4. What are the 6 group characteristics of high-performing teams?
    5. What is the most powerful mode of communication and why?
  3. After you read:
    1. Compare notes with a neighbor and help each other add on.
    2. Debrief: 
      1. Pretend you are working in a group in school or in your work place. What can people do that is worthy of them being demoted or eventually fired? What can people do that is worthy of them being promoted or getting a raise? 
      2. Add your ideas to the padlet below and I will compile this for a class list.
      3. Made with Padlet
4) Success Workshop/Closure: Time for YOU (Until the end of class)
    Image result for catch up time
  1. Return to your planner.
  2. List what you need to do to meet your SMART goal for the week.
  3. Add any assignments you need to complete tonight.
  4. Set a SMART goal for 20 minutes of work. Write this on a sticky note.
  5. Work to meet your SMART goal, and once you meet it post it on the board.
  6. Choose to continue working on homework, to organize your binder, to read, to color, etc.

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