Tuesday, January 10, 2017

How can I succeed in school this semester? (Day 1) Daily Plans: Wednesday, 11 January

Happy Wednesday AVID Students!
-Make sure your binder is well set up!
Image result for i'm an expertBig Idea: Structures provide organization
Essential Question: How can I succeed in school this semester?
Objectives: I can...
...recognize what I am an expert at.
...identify skills I need to work on this semester.
...assess a variety of note taking methods.
...plan how you will use your planner as a tool this semester.
1) Warm Up: Class Experts (10 min)

  1. Take out your "Expertise Double Entry Journal".
  2. Respond to one of the reflection questions at the bottom of the sheet.
  3. Add your initials to at least 4 categories on the chart on the back board to show us what you are an expert at!
2) Literacy Block: Essential Skills for College Students (15 min)

  1. Before you read: What skills do you think college students need to have?
  2. While you partner read: 
    1. List the essential skills identified by Clarke University.
    2. Jot down one thing you would be GREAT at if you were good at this skill.
  3. After you partner read:
    1. Image result for essential skills for school
    2. Rank yourself from 1 (I don't even know what this is)-4 (I'm a pro and could help a classmate!) on each skill.
    3. Note any other skills you think are missing.
    4. Talk at your table and share: Which skills has LEC MOST prepared you for? Least prepared you for?

3) Lesson Plan: What are some effective ways to take notes? (30 min)

  1. Note Taking Carousel Directions:
    1. While you watch the video, take as many notes as you can in any format you like. Consider:
      1. Graphic organizers
      2. Bulleted lists
      3. Venn diagrams
      4. Paragraph summaries
      5. Outlines
    2. We will pause and pass our note sheets.
    3. Take notes on your neighbor's paper, again in the format you like.
    4. Repeat.
  2. Strengths and Weaknesses of Note-taking Formats
    1. Image result for note taking formats
    2. List the different formats of notes that you saw.
    3. With your table, you will get an assigned note taking format. On your paper, create a list of strengths and weaknesses for your note taking format.
    4. Post these on the back board.
    5. Add comments, checks, and stars to share your thoughts.
  3. Note Taking Next Steps
    1. On the bottom of your notes, list steps you can use to improve and revisit your notes. 
    2. Name one other format you might consider taking.
    3. Add a topic and date to the top of your note sheet.
4) Exit Ticket/Closure:
  1. Discuss: What should you list in your planner?
  2. Add upcoming due dates, family events, tests, quizzes, time with friends, de-stress time, exercise time, hobby time to your planner.
  3. Write a personal or academic SMART goal for the week at the top of this week on your planner.
Image result for SMART goals 

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