Tuesday, November 15, 2016

How will I get where I am going? Daily Plans: Wednesday, 16 November

Happy Wednesday AVID Students!
1) Read to meet your book club goal for Friday!
Image result for letter to the president2) Work through your game/self designed project doc! If you are joining a group, you need to finish to the word "Optional" in bold. 
Big Idea: Relationships support success
Essential Question: How will I get where I am going?
Objectives: I can...
...identify what makes writing convincing.
...describe artwork. 
...ask and answer clarifying questions. 
(AVID Standards: 9-COMM.A,B; REA.B; INQ.C.1,3; CP.B.2,C.2)
1) Warm Up: Letters to the Next President 2.0 (20 min)

  1. Set up a note sheet for today. Essential Question: How will I get where I am going? Topic: Future Advice Date: 16 November
  2. Before you read, share: What parts of your education will help you reach your college and career goals?
  3. While you read: Identify the student author's main claim and evidence.
  4. After you read:

    1. Discuss: How convincing was the letter to the president? How could the student make it more convincing?
    2. Note: If you could give President Elect Donald Trump advice, what would you tell him? Keep this constructive. Pretend this advice would actually get used!
    3. Suggest a topic for a class discussion tomorrow by filling in the form below:

2)  Lesson Plan: Reading and Critiquing Art (15 min)
We have been invited to an art gallery hosted by Mrs. Kitchens' Spanish 111 students. Students have recreated art from different cultures and time periods. 
  1. Connect it all: What do you look for when you read books for English? Choose music to listen to? How can we find these elements in works of art?
  2. Skim through art history here.
  3. Discuss: When you want to improve a project you are working on, what feedback is most helpful? How would you decide if a work of art is effective?
  4. Image result for oaxacan art
    One of the types of
    art you may see tomorrow
  5. Look at your task for tomorrow and ask questions.
3) Tutorials (Until the End of Class)
  1. Before Tutorials:
    1. Image result for completed trf forms
    2. Gather your computer, pen/pencil, notes, and TRF.
    3. Share concept ratings.
    4. Choose the order for presenting.
  2. During Tutorials:
    1. Take notes as the presenter gives a 30 second speech, as people ask questions, and as the presenter records notes.
    2. Ask questions.
    3. Record notes for the presenter.
    4. When the presenter gets it, ask the presenter to explain the topic to a confused friend to write a step-by-step summary.
  3. After Tutorials: 
    1. Reflection: 
      1. What was the most helpful question you asked, answered, or heard?
      2. What is one change you would make to the Tutorial process?
      3. What do you wish you could do a Tutorial on?
      4. Why did you write your TRF on the topic you chose?
    2. Done early? 
      1. Option 1: Work on homework from the class your TRF was on.
      2. Option 2: Keep working on "My Future Story".
      3. Option 3: Read to meet your book club goal for Thursday.
      4. Option 4: Continue working on your Game/Self Design project.

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