Monday, August 29, 2016

How can knowing where we are from help us determine where to go? (Day 2) Daily Plans: Tuesday, 30 Aug

Happy Tuesday AVID Students!
-Where I'm From Draft due Thursday
-Read to meet your book club contract deadline
Big Idea: Relationships support our success
Essential Question: How can knowing where we are from help us determine where to go?
Objectives: I can...
...solve math puzzles.
...write about myself.
Image result for math puzzles...organize my materials.
1) Warm Up: Math Puzzlers (10 min)
  1. See if you can fill in each square with numbers 1-8 so each side equals the middle number.
  2. Share your answers with a classmate.
2) Literacy Block & Lesson Plan: Where I'm From Collaborative Annotation and Drafting
  1. Before you Draft:
    1. Listen to George Ella Lyons read her "Where I'm From" poem. Add on to your annotations from yesterday.
    2. Pass your annotated poem to the right and add on to your new paper. Respond to something already noted on your paper with a question, new comment, or an additional doodle. Repeat.
    3. Write a two sentence summary of the poem using the following sentence stems:
      1. This poem is about ____.
      2. Lyon tells us about her identity and culture by ____.
      3. This poem is effective because ____.
      4. This poem would be more effective if ____.
    4. Watch the video of a sample Where I'm From poem.
  2. Write your draft using your iceberg prewriting from yesterday. Finish a 22 line draft by Thursday. *See the template below if you need help!*
See the template full size here
3) Success Workshop: Binder and Notebook Check
  1. Swap binders and notebooks with a classmate.
  2. Grade your partner.
  3. Remember to tell you partner what to fix.
  4. YOU are responsible for showing me your revisions by Thursday for an improved grade.
  5. Read to prepare for Friday.

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