Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Where am I going? How will I get there? What will I give back? 10 Day Review Day 4: Thursday, 5 May

Happy Thursday Successful Students!
Homework: Meet your SMART goals for today!
Big Idea: Structured review can support success
Essential Question: Where am I going? How will I get there? What will I give back?
Objectives: I can...
...write talking points.
...prepare for our presentations.
...use study tools.
1) Warm Up: Sanford Redesign Panel Talking Points (Until 1:27)
  1. Read through the presentation committee descriptions below.
    1. Mission and Vision (Cunkelman's Room): You will share the purpose of this project. What is the project? Why did we do it? Why did we include the things we did in our redesigned block? What makes our block a realistic, relevant, and sustainable choice?
    2. Budget and Business Planning Group (Stern's Room): You will share the money part of the project. How will our block bring in revenue? How did we determine our budget and make sure we stuck to it? What businesses are in our block? Why did we choose those?
    3. Models and Maps (Nickel's Room): You will be a "tour guide" through our physical and digital maps, designs, and models. What did we include in our design? Why? What are the special features of our design? How will we afford the designs we created? 
    4. Question and Answer Team (Testa's Room): You will be the pros at knowing all the details and getting feedback! Why did we make the choices we did? Did you think about all other options? What questions would you like to ask our panel members so you can get feedback?
  2. Plan your talking points on an index card.
2) Time for you: Sanford Redesign! (Until 2:00)
Tomorrow you will work in presentation committees to share your work. Our guests include members of the Lee County Education Foundation, the leader of Lee County Young Commissioners, upperclassmen, and more!
  1. Get with your group.
  2. Choose who will share which parts of their talking points and fill in any missing gaps.
  3. Practice your presentation.
  4. Make any final touches to what you are presenting.
  5. Write a set-up to do list for tomorrow.
  6. At 1:55: Fill in your Sanford Redesign log. Turn this in!
  7. At 1:57: Check what room you will be in for study groups. Put materials in the teacher's room you will be presenting in tomorrow. Head to your study group!
3) Success Workshop: Study Groups (Until 2:43)
  1. Move so you are in the correct room for study groups:
    1. Ms. Nickel: Physical Science
    2. Mrs. Testa: Math 3, Statistics, PreCalc
    3. Ms. Cunkelman: World History, Earth and Environmental Science, Spanish
    4. Mr. Stern: Civics and Economics, Math 2, English 2
  2. Take 3 minutes to fill in the "Before you Study" section of your sheet.
  3. Open your copy of the study tool template you need: Video Collage; Graphic Organizers; Lesson Plan
  4. While you use different study tools, take notes! List questions you need to ask.
  5. At 2:40: Answer the "After you study" questions.
  6. At 2:43: Bring your study tool sheet to your AVID teacher.

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