Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Where am I going? What will I give back? Daily Plans: Thursday, 14 Apri

Happy Thursday Sanford Redesigners!
-Finish ACA discussion board post by tomorrow!
-Get Family Day Entrance Tickets filled in tomorrow.
Big Idea: Powerful choices require knowledge
Essential Question: Where am I going? What will I give back?
Objectives: I can...
...reflect on the strengths and weaknesses of the college fair.
...revisit our goals and roles for the Sanford Redesign project.
...plan a timeline for completing a project.
1) Warm Up: College Fair Reflection (10 min)
  1. **Turn in College Fair Planning packet!**
  2. Complete the College Fair Reflection below.
  3. As soon as you are done, begin working on your ACA Discussion board.

2) SMART Study Hall (15 min)
  1. Set a SMART goal for what you will accomplish in the next 15 minutes. Your first priority is finishing your ACA discussion board. After that, it is up to you!
  2. Once you meet your goal, post it on the board.
  3. Time permitting, set and meet another goal!
3) Lesson Plan: Sanford Redesign Project Revisited
  1. Read through the options below: (5 min)
    1. Town Hall Meeting: 
      1. Task to Share: Skim through the newspapers and identify some key issues going on in Sanford. Cut out words related to these issues. Pass the words to the Semi-Found Poetry group.
      2. Identify an issue you care about that is impacting Sanford. 
      3. Write a speech in which each group member has a speaking part that will get the rest of Sanford to care about your issue. 
      4. Stick to the roles given to you by the Connecting Lee County group.
      5. Some current issues include: storing coal ash in Sanford; access to health care for  individuals in poverty; water issues in certain areas.
    2. Semi-Found Poetry: 
      1. Task to Share: Starting here and here, find two specific links that tell us about people who work in policy in Lee County. Share these two links with the Here's who to Know group via email or on a sticky note.
      2. Use the words given you you by the Town Hall Meeting group to create a poem that describes the current state of Sanford.
      3. Swap poems with another person in your group and name the key events described in their poem.
      4. Pass poems again. Write a summary of the event/s described in the poem.
    3. Here's who to Know: 
      1. Task to Share: Starting here, list at least 6 organizations that serve people in Sanford. Give this list to the Serving Sanford group.
      2. Use the links from the Semi-Found Poetry group. 
      3. As a group, choose one person to focus on.
      4. Identify what these people do.
      5. Create comic showing a day in this person's life.
      6. Underneath the comic, list 5 questions you would ask this person in an interview.
      7. Answer one of the questions.
    4. Serving Sanford: 
      1. Task to Share: Find the percent of people who commute from Sanford to another state or county for work (use the resource here). 
      2. List four "needs" in Sanford that could be addressed with community service. 
      3. Use the resources from the Here's who to Know group and here to see what groups in Sanford are already doing.
      4. Identify a need that still needs to be addressed.
      5. Propose, in a list of at least 5 steps, a community service project we could do at LEC to meet this need.
    5. Connecting Lee County: 
      1. Task to Share: List the roles you need to have at a town hall meeting (Who runs it?
      2. Could Sanford
        get Google Fiber?
      3.  Who brings up issues? Who decides how to deal with issues? Who is in charge of budgeting?) and share these with the Town Hall Meeting group.
      4. Use the resources from the Serving Sanford group and the resources linked below to decide which Lee County needs the most: Google Fiber (connected to Cary) or a light rail system (connected to the Durham-Orange system).
      5. Write and illustrate your pitch. 
      6. Include at least one graph, map, or diagram.
      7. Add one interesting statistic.
  2. Move to the station you are most interested in.
  3. In your station: (20 min)
    1. Reread your tasks.
    2. Complete your tasks in order.
    3. You will need to contribute to other group's tasks at times. Be sure to work at a pace that does not slow down other groups.
  4. After you finish:
    1. Leave your product on your table.
    2. Visit the other stations. (5 min)
    3. Sketch how you would design an ideal block in Sanford that addresses some of the issues described by various groups. (4 min)
    4. Watch the video called "The Magic of Many".
    5. Talk to your table. Circle the favorite ideas from your block.
    6. Turn these into a class collage.
    7. Revisit our Sanford Redesign ideas. Were our first ideas the best ideas? Is there anything we need to change? Of the four presentation committees, which do you want to be a part of: Mission and Purpose; Business and Budget; Model and Map; or Question and Answer? Share your thoughts in the Today's Meet.
    8. Plan our timeline and products. (Use the log here - This will be a big part of your grade!)
    9. Closing Discussion: Set specific goals for tomorrow.
4) Final Task: Work on work for any class. (Time Permitting!)

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