Sunday, April 10, 2016

Where am I going? What will I give back? Daily Plans: Monday, 11 April

Happy Monday Future College Graduates!
-Work on your ACA discussion board post.
-Practice your college presentation talk!
-Dress in YOUR school's colors tomorrow OR dress professionally (business casual). 
Big Idea: Powerful choices require knowledge
Essential Question: Where am I going? What will I give back?
Objectives: I can...
...prepare my talking points.
...practice our presentation.
...use feedback to make revisions to my work.
1) Warm Up: Power Poses (15 min)
  1. Before you Watch: 
    1. Set up a note sheet with today's date.
    2. Draw yourself when you present. How do you stand? Do you move around a lot? What do you do with your hands?
  2. While you Watch: (0:10-3:19 and 10:15-13:21)
    1. Note the purpose of Professor Cuddy's work, how the study was done, and what was found.
    2. In a T-chart, sketch high and low-power poses.
    3. *Here is the interactive transcript if it helps you to follow along.*
  3. After you Watch: Try your own power pose!

2) Plan your Talk and Polish your Presentation: Represent Your College Day Eight (Until 2:00)
How will you get visiting students hooked
on YOUR college?
  1. On your own: Write the 30-second speech you will give when students first visit your booth. Consider:
    1. Introducing yourself and the university you are representing
    2. Sharing a story about the university (current event, how it was founded, interesting facts, surprising statistics)
  2. In your group: 
    1. Read your 30-second speeches. 
    2. Polish your presentation talking points and poster board. 
  3. Do you have any final questions for a pro? Post them here.
  4. Extra Time? Work on your ACA assignment.
3) Represent your College - Presentation Practice (2:00-2:45)
  1. Prepare to Present:
    1. Group 1: UNC-G, UNC-CH, NC A&T
      1. Go to Ms. Cunkelman's room.
      2. You will present in the second round.
    2. Group 2: Meredith College, Shaw University, UNC-Pembroke
      1. Set up and be ready to present.
      2. You will view presentations in the second round.
  2. Presentation Rounds:
    1. Each round will last 12 minutes.
    2. Write down a plus and delta for each presentation you view.
  3. After Presentations:
    1. Give your plus and deltas to the correct group.
    2. In your group, discuss the plus and deltas.
    3. Make revisions or additions to your presentation talk or board as needed.
    4. Extra Time? Work on your ACA assignment OR revise your notes.
    5. *Leave your presentation board in the room you are in. We will bring these to the gym tomorrow for you.*

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