Saturday, November 14, 2015

Where am I going? How can I use my time wisely to get there? Daily Plans: Monday, 16 November

Happy Monday AVID Family!
Homework: TRF due Wednesday!
Big Idea: Structures lead to success
Essential Question: Where am I going? How can I use my time wisely to get there?
Objectives: I can...
...define key terms related to work-life balance.
...identify components of wellness.
...plan how to manage my stress.
From Fine Art America
1) Warm Up: Creative Writing (5 min + 2 min to share)
  1. Tell the story of your typical day from the point-of-view of something or someone else.
    1. What would your shoe think about your day?
    2. Does your little sibling understand what you do?
    3. What about your pet cat?
  2. Include as many details as you can, including how you spend your time.
2) How can you use your time to promote optimal wellness? (25 min)
**This week we will focus on how you can maximize your time to stay happy and healthy as you work toward meeting your goals. Today we will focus on stress management, tomorrow we will look at time management, Wednesday will focus on how you spend your time in the future, and Thursday we will look at how we can avoid procrastination.**
  1. Before you read: Define the words here in your notes. 
  2. While you read: Practice taking digital notes! In some classes, professors will give you presentation slides they will use in class. You can use these before, during, and after the lecture to take and make notes. We will practice doing this digitally today.
    1. Copy the presentation here.
    2. Rename it "Name - 7 Dimensions of Wellness".
    3. As you read, you will add a comment to EVERY slide that includes:
      1. The main idea of the slide or important term defined
      2. One detail or example
  3. After you read: 
    1. Create your own wellness circle diagram. 
      1. The more time you spend on a dimension of wellness, the larger that circle should be.
      2. See the example in the slideshow and below. 
    2. Printing practice: Many students like to print presentations to take physical notes during lectures. Some professors do not allow computers open during class. We will practice a paper (and money) saving way to print presentations.
      1. Go to "File">"Print settings and preview".
      2. Find "1 slide without notes" on the top tool bar. Click this drop down menu.
      3. Most students prefer 3 slides/page. Select "Handout - 3 slides per page". 
      4. Decide if you like Landscape (initial setting) or Portrait more on the top tool bar. 
Do better than this!
*As we approach the end of the semester things can get stressful. It is good to have a plan in place before that happens. We will create a time management plan that addresses quite a few of the dimensions of wellness.*
  1. Read the boxes in the Stress Management Plan.
  2. Illustrate each box. **Think of this like a comic strip!**
  3. Fill in all blanks.
  4. Add color if you like.
  5. Stand Up-Hand Up-Pair Up to fill in the last box.
  6. Need ideas? Try this site.
4) Success Workshop: Organize and Revise (15 min)
  1. Add major due dates for the week to your Google Calendar.
  2. Organize your binder.
    1. Make sure all papers are in your rings.
    2. Check that your TOC matches the order papers are in.
  3. Revise your notes.
    1. Highlight key terms.
    2. Add HOT questions.
    3. Write summaries.
5) Exit Ticket: Evaluate your SMART goal from last week (see sticky note on your TOC) and write a goal for this week!

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