Friday, November 13, 2015

What can I do to stay motivated as I work toward college and career success? Daily Plans: Friday, 13 November

Happy Friday AVID Innovators!
Homework: Make Up Parent Night Packet due MONDAY if you were not at Parent Night (check your emails!)
Big Idea: Structures lead to success
Essential Question: What can I do to stay motivated as I work toward college and career success?
Objectives: I can...
...identify what motivates a character or person I read about.
...determine problems that need to be solved with innovation.
...create skits.
...make up missing work.
1) Warm Up: DEAR Reflection (5 min + 2 min to share)
  1. Choose a character/person from a book or article you have read in the past week. 
  2. Create a motivation profile for your character by answering the following questions:
    1. What is your character/person a master at?
    2. What areas of your character's/person's life does he/she have the most control over (autonomy)?
    3. What drives your character/person to act? 
  3. Then, add two things your character or person can do to stay motivated when things get tough!
2)  Literacy Block: So you want to save the world? BE AN INNOVATOR!
**LEC is part of the North Carolina New Schools - Breakthrough Learning initiative. Last year NCNS hosted it's first Innovation Challenge. This year, see if you want to try it out!**
  1. Before you Read: If you got to solve any real world problem, what would you solve?
  2. While you Read:
    1. Skim through the requirements here.
    2. Read about the winners from last year here.
  3. After you Read: Fill out the form below.

3) Family Day:
  1. Fractured Fairy Tales in the gym followed by free time!
  2. OR Finish your missing work!

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