Tuesday, November 3, 2015

What structures can help me clarify points-of-confusion? Daily Plans, 4th Block: Wednesday, 4 November

Happy Tutorial Wednesday AVID Family!
Homework: None! Remind your parents about Parent Night tomorrow at LEC from 6-8pm!
Big Idea: Structures support success
Essential Question: What structures can help me clarify points-of-confusion?
Objectives: I can...
...write my current definition for motivation.
...list what I know and resources I have for confusing topics.
...complete a TRF.
...contribute to a Tutorial.
1) Warm Up: Preview Motivation and Review Confusions (until 1:35)
Fill in the form below to prepare for our next couple weeks of AVID and to get ready for Tutorials. 

 2) Tutorials!
  1. Preparation: 
    1. Go to your Tutorial Room:
      1. Ms. Cunkelman: English
      2. Ms. Nickel: Organization Crash Course, Science, Math 1
      3. Mrs. Testa: Math 2
    2. Get your slip of paper showing what topic or question you need to review.
    3. Find a specific question from a related class assignment, quiz, or test if you need to.
    4. Finish your TRF.
  2. Tutorials:
    1. All students share their initial question and rank their confusion.
    2. The first presenter shares his or her 30 second speech. End with the POC. 
    3. Students help each other clarify the POC by asking questions. 
    4. Have the presenter end by summarizing the steps to solve or answer his or her POC.
    5. Move to the next presenter.
  3. Reflection at 2:35. Return TRF to AVID Teacher at 2:43 and stay in the room until 2:45.
    • **Tutors, at this time, return to Ms. Nickel's room for your reflection!**

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