Tuesday, November 3, 2015

How do I structure a college placement essay? Daily Plans, 1st Period: Wednesday, 4 November

Happy Wednesday AVID Family!
Homework: Go to sleep early and eat a good breakfast!
Big Idea: Structure
Essential Question: How do I structure a college placement essay?
Objectives: I can...
...explain grammar topics.
...annotate an article about motivation.
...plan and draft an essay.
1) Warm Up: Video Explain-Explain-Trade (15 min)
  1. Watch your assigned video.
  2. On a sticky note, write a 30 second speech in which you explain the problem and show a messed up example and how to fix it. 
  3. Explain-Explain-Trade
    1. Stand Up-Hand Up-Pair Up to explain your topic to someone else.
    2. Once your partner can explain your topic and example, give him or her your card.
    3. He or she will explain the topic to you, you'll explain it back and get a new card.
    4. Continue!
2) What Motivates YOU? Day 1 (25 min) 
  1. Make a copy of the document here. Rename it "YOUR name - What motivates you?".
  2. Read and digitally annotate the article.
    1. Highlight aha! moments.
    2. Add comments with your questions and thoughts.
  3. Tomorrow we will start with collaborative annotation.
**Brain Break!**

3) WritePlacer Practice (Until 9:16)
  1. Make a copy of the document here.
  2. Rename it "Name - WritePlacer Practice Essay".
  3. Take 5 minutes to reread the prompt and list as many ideas for points and examples as you can.
  4. Work on your outline for 12 minutes.
  5. Write your draft for 20 minutes. 
  6. Add DWCs and give and receive feedback.
**Fun Video Time!**

4) Exit Ticket: Game Plan for tomorrow: 
Tomorrow we will have 15 minutes of collaborative annotation for the motivation article followed by study time for 35 minutes. Tell me what you need during that study time! Here are some options: 
  1. Quiet study time with chances to ask questions
  2. More writing practice
  3. ByteSize Grammar practice
  4. Time to watch videos
  5. Practice questions

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