Sunday, November 8, 2015

What can I do to stay motivated as I work toward college and career success? Daily Plans: Monday, 9 November

Happy Monday AVID Family!
Homework: TRF due Thursday!
Big Idea: Structures lead to success
Essential Question: What can I do to stay motivated as I work toward college and career success?
Objectives: I can...
...write creatively.
...identify the three main components of motivation.
...collaboratively annotate a digital article.
...revise my work.
1) Warm Up: Creative Writing (5 min + 3 min)
Choose one of the prompts below to respond to.
Pretend you are back in kindergarten. What would happen if crayons were on strike?
Describe and sketch each day of the week as if it were a person.
2) Tutorial Analysis Grade Reflection (20 min)
**The purpose of a TAG is to self-evaluate your Tutorial process. Do you choose the most helpful topics for TRFs? What should you consider when choosing?**
  1. Discuss: How do you choose what topic to complete your TRF on?
  2. Fill out Part A of the TAG Reflection.
    1. Use your progress reports and PowerSchool to fill in your most current grades.
    2. Answer the questions. Identify what you struggle with most in your classes - is it benchmarks? Homework? What can different people do to help you?
  3. Fill out Part B of the TAG Reflection to see how you can help yourself!
    1. Take out your 4 most recent TRFs.
    2. Mark what class they are about and where the question is from and then the grades. 
    3. Count up your total and record this in the Overall row and and table.
    4. Answer the final question. Do your TRFs match your areas for growth?
  4. Set up a sticky note like the one below. Be sure to *star* the class if it is a "get ahead" class (You have high As in all classes and want to move ahead further in that class during Tutorials). 
    1. Put your sticky note on your TAG.
    2. Write your subject for this week on your new TRF. This should match your sticky note UNLESS you have a major assignment or test in another class.
    3. Turn in your TAG and sticky note. Finish your TRF by Thursday.

3) Lesson Plan: Motivation Revamped! (What motivates you? Day 2-3)
  1. Fourth Block: 
    1. Open your document named "Name - What motivates you?".
    2. Take Five More Minutes:
      1. Read the article and annotate it digitally:
        1. Highlight interesting parts.
        2. Write comments that agree or argue with the text, ask the author questions, ask classmates questions, etc.
        3. Answer the questions in the right-most column. 
      2. After you Read: (15 min)
        1. Break into groups of four.
        2. Pass your computer to the right.
        3. Respond to the questions and comments your new person wrote.
        4. Give feedback to answers in the right hand column. 
        5. Pass again in 3 minutes.
  2. First Block and Fourth Block: 
    1. Watch the video below.
    2. Take notes below your table in your "Name-What motivates you?" document.
4) Success Workshop: Organize and Revise (10-20 min)
  1. Return to notes AND assignments from content area classes this week. 
  2. Highlight key terms, add HOT questions, write summaries!
  3. Make sure your TOCs are up to date.
5) Exit Ticket: SMART Goal for the Week
  1. Set a SMART goal for this week.
  2. Stick this on your AVID TOC to reassess on Friday.

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