Wednesday, November 4, 2015

What can I do to stay motivated as I work toward college and career success? Daily Plans, 4th Block: Thursday, 5 November

Hello AVID Family!
Big Idea: Structures lead to success
Essential Question: What can I do to stay motivated as I work toward college and career success?
Objectives: I can...
...use test words to plan question answers.
...identify the three main components of motivation.
...annotate a digital article.
...put final touches on all things Parent Night!
1) Warm Up: Using Test Words to Answer Questions (10 min)
  • Read the passage to the right.
  • Pretend your teacher has asked you to do the tasks in the table below. Match the prompt from the teacher with what your answer should look like. 
  • Finally, complete the tasks below! (PQA for TPEQEA and 2 questions for seminar)
  • Task from Teacher
    Options for what the answer looks like
    1. Identify the impacts written history.
    1. TPEQEA paragraph
    1. Locate the claim made by the author.
    1. List
    1. Agree or argue with the claim made by the article.
    1. Statement, similar to point sentence
    1. Evaluate the impact history has on human actions.
    1. Questions for a Socratic seminar
Is this the best method
 of motivation?
2) Literacy Block: Motivation Revamped! (What motivates you? Day 1)
  1. Before you Read: (5 min)
    1. Skim through your classmates' ideas on motivation. What trends do you notice?
    2. Copy the document here.
    3. Rename it "Name - What motivates you?".
  2. While you Read: (25 min)
    1. Read the article and annotate it digitally:
    2. Highlight interesting parts.
    3. Write comments that agree or argue with the text, ask the author questions, ask classmates questions, etc.
    4. Answer the questions in the right-most column. 
  3. After you Read: (15 min)
    1. Break into groups of four.
    2. Pass your computer to the right.
    3. Respond to the questions and comments your new person wrote.
    4. Give feedback to answers in the right hand column. 
    5. Pass again in 3 minutes.
3) Success Workshop: Organize and Revise (10 min)
  1. Return to notes AND assignments from content area classes this week. 
  2. Highlight key terms, add HOT questions, write summaries!
  3. Make sure your TOCs are up to date.
4) Final Task:
  1. Read your Parent Night Protocols sheet.
  2. Complete our task.

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